Wolfgang Schade headed the dressage stables of the Holsteiner Verband in Elmshorn, Germany, for 25 years. During that time, the stables produced stallions such as Coriander, Lorentin and Dolany. Since then, Schade has set up training and sales stables in Hamburg-Blankenese, with great success. To enhance the well-being of his horses, he relies on the effectiveness of Equine 74 Gastric.
Are stomach problems an issue with your horses?
Wolfgang Schade: “Until recently, stomach problems were not an issue at all with my horses. At least that is what I had always assumed. But now I am convinced that the opposite is the case.”
Why is that?
Wolfgang Schade: “I think our horses have become more sensitive; they are more highly-strung. But not only that. Everything has developed: the horses, the sport, medicine, but also the riders. Today, there is much more concern about the horses’ well-being. Success also depends on that. And there is a lot of money at stake, too.”
Do you have the feeling that stomach health has become more of an issue in equestrian sport?
Wolfgang Schade: “I’m quite sure that that is the case. But I often get the impression that colleagues are not keen to talk about it. Perhaps the subjects of stomach ulcers and gastric mucous membrane irritation are still taboo. Ultimately, they can also have the effect of reducing a horse’s value. So maybe no-one wants the affected horse to be badmouthed. Word can get around very quickly.”
You say that the sport has developed. What effects does this have on the horses?
Wolfgang Schade: “The sport has become fast-paced; the tournament world is now totally globalised. Top horses travel from one tournament to the next. In the past, overnight tournaments were the exception, but now they are the order of the day. Eighty per cent of all the tournaments I visit involve long journeys in the transporter, an overnight stay in the stable tent, an unfamiliar environment, and a demand for peak performance. For many horses, this entails a great deal of stress. And it is well-known that stress is a major indicator for stomach ulcers. So, at a tournament, my team and I try to make things work the same way as at home, as far as possible. Because horses are creatures of habit.”
And that also includes the feed management, doesn’t it?
Wolfgang Schade: “Absolutely. It includes everything. Both for horses who are already at the top of the sport and also for the younger horses. And Equine 74 Gastric is now an important part of my feed management.”
What kind of feed supplement is Equine 74 Gastric, and how did you come to start using it?
Wolfgang Schade: “Equine 74 Gastric is a 100% natural product. Its sponge-like structure and high calcium content ensure that excess stomach acid can be very well buffered. There were two main things about Equine 74 Gastric that convinced me: First of all, its effectiveness. Since my horses started taking the supplement, things have gone perfectly. One of my top horses, which previously always had problems with feeding, was often too thin and was being treated with Omeprazole, is now too fat rather than too thin. Since this horse started taking Equine 74 Gastric, it can do without Omeprazole completely.
And it’s good for the youngsters, too. I think it is doing them a tremendous amount of good during breaking in and training, which is a stressful period for them. In addition, the effectiveness of Equine 74 Gastric has been shown in scientific studies. This total package of effectiveness and scientific evidence simply convinced me.”
For further information, visit www.equine74gastric.com or call directly Christian under +49 172 5184099.