Carina Mayer has been appointed to replace Trond Asmyr as ad interim Senior Manager and Head of the Dressage Department at the Federation Equestre International in Lausanne, Switzerland.
This week the FEI advised the National Federations that Asmyr is unfortunately on sick leave for an indefinite time period. The 60-year old Norwegian Trond Asmyr was appointed as FEI Dressage Director in the spring of 2009.
Asmyr has been fully dedicated to the job and has been present at almost all major (inter)continental dressage Championships. Trond has been dealing with some health issues the past few years and has gone on sick leave before, usually in the autumn after a highly busy outdoor show season. In 2014 he was scheduled to appear at the Global Dressage Forum but had to be hospitalized in Copenhagen.
Carina Mayer has now been appointed Senior Manager and Head of Department ad interim and she will lead and manage operations within the FEI Dressage & Para-Equestrian Department.
The German born Mayer has a Bachelor in Sports Management at the RheinAhrCampus Remagen and has studied International Sports Law at Staffordshire University in the U.K. She began working for the FEI in 2010 as Administrative Assistant for Dressage and in 2013 as Sports Coordinator for Dressage.
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