The winners' duo of the first leg, junior rider Febe van Zwambagt and young rider Jeanine Nieuwenhuis, proved again to be unbeatable in the second leg of the Dutch KNHS Junior-Young Riders Cup held in Vragender, The Netherlands, on Saturday 23 January 2016. The competitions in this show circuit are team observation trials and serve for CDI and squad selection.
Both divisions were judged by Ineke Jansen, Marlon van Wissen and Annelies Terra. The amount of competitors in Vragender was not very impressive with a lot of scratches thinning out the field.
At junior riders level Febe van Zwambagt and her chestnut FS Las Vegas (by Lord Loxley) topped the board with a 71.22% score. The combination rode a harmonious test of a high technical level. The very experienced junior rider Lisanne Zoutendijk placed second and third with her two M-level horses. On her 2015 European JR Championship mount Ringo Star (by Riccione) she landed second place with 70.18% and on her younger, rising star Davina (by Johnson) she scored 69.01% to slot in third.
At young riders' level Jeanine Nieuwenhuis is on a roll with her new ride of the season, TC Athene (by United). She scored 71.40% for victory. Nieuwenhuis stood out with strong trot work and big traversal movements, but the horse needed to be more consistent in the contact. Jeanine edged out Lisanne Zoutendijk on her young rider's horse Watteau (by Jazz), who finished second with 69.65%. The technical part of her test was very good but the liver chestnut needed to develop more self carriage. New comer to the top of the ranking was Ashley Langevoort on Dontruschels (by Don Primaire) who booked her first important national placing with a third spot and a 69.34% score.
Head of the ground jury Marlon van Wissen commented that the winners of the test rode very accurate test, which was a problem for the majority. "Movements were often ridden too late or executed too early. For many riders they can score much more points if they are more accurate," said the judge. "Also the back usage of the horses needs more attention. Many horses need to be ridden more over the back from behind to the front. One doesn't need to ride the horse that much up in the bridle. You can also ride a horse too much in the bridle and neck. They think they have their horses uphill, but this is not all that it takes to get them up. The withers need to be ridden more upwards."
The third leg of the KNHS Junior-Young Riders cup will take place at Stable Seren in Vorden, The Netherlands, on 7 February 2016.
Photo © Digishots
Results - 2016 KNHS Junior-Young Riders Cup - Vragender
Junior Riders
- 1. Febe van Zwambagt - FS Las Vegas - 71,22%
- 2. Lisanne Zoutendijk - Ringo Star - 70,18%
- 3. Lisanne Zoutendijk - Davina - 69,01%
- 4. Diana van de Bovenkamp - Corvette - 68,15
- 5. Maybrett Schreur - Feinsliebchen - 67,48
- 6. Mercedes Verwey - Wiolita - 66,53
- 7. Bo Oudhof - Colt Sollenburg - 66,35
- 8. Veronique van der Panne - Boy-Bentley - 65,86
- 9. Florence Siemer - Zidane - 65,77
- 10. Joelle Peters - Dacar's Dream - 64,77
- 11. Mylene Spaak - Sweet Sensation - 63,38
- 12. Felice Blaauw - Take It Easy - 62,34
- 13. Rianne Kooistra - Allrisk - 61,98
- 14. Elle van Drunen - Zaragossa -60,68
Young Riders
- 1. Jeanine Nieuwenhuis - Athene - 71,40%
- 2. Lisanne Zoutendijk - Watteau - 69,65%
- 3. Ashley Langevoort - Dontruschels - 69,34%
- 4. Veronique van der Panne - Whatever - 68,03
- 5. Laurie Vervoort - Chester - 67,59
- 6. Carlijn Huberts - Romeo - 66,97
- 7. Skylar Bos - Bellalena - 65,31
- 8. Julia Groenhart - First Barrichello - 60,92
Related Link
Van Zwambagt and Nieuwenhuis Win First Leg of KNHS Junior-Young Riders Cup in Nieuw en St. Joosland