Four dressage riders - Anne Meulendijks, Stephanie Kooijman, Jill Huybregts and Maxime van der Vlist - have been selected on the 2016 Rabo Talent Team which was announced at the 2016 CDI-W 's Hertogenbosch on Saturday 12 March 2016.
The 2016 Rabo Talent Team includes 13 riders of which 5 are new additions. They receive financial support from the Dutch Rabobank for one year to improve their training and competition career with as goal Olympic squad selection.
Four 23-year old dressage riders - Anne Meulendijks, Stephanie Kooijman, Jill Huybregts and Maxime van der Vlist - are selected on the team. All four of them compete at Under 25 Grand Prix level, whereas in the past young riders were able to make it on the Rabo Talent Team. The age limit is 25.
Photo © Jessica Pijlman
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