Twelve dressage bred stallions out of a collection of 20 stallions in total passed the mandatory 10-day observation test for colts recently approved at the 2016 Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing in Herning, Denmark.
Twenty colts in total participated in the observation test and 19 completed it successfully. The colts were observed at the Tørring Ridecenter in Randers, Denmark, under the supervision of Torben Frandsen.
One colt, the jumper Unreal Sejh, went home early and a few sustained minor injuries and could not be presented on the final day of the testing, on 30 March 2016, but they passed nonetheless. Frandsen was assisted by riders Sune Damgaard and Michelle Hvid for the observation.
"The stallions were only briefly ridden each day and never hard, as the purprose of the test is to check how they are to handle and ride. We need to check if they have the right mind and no vices," Torben expleined.
The dressage bred colts that passed the testing are: Baron (by Benicio), Falstaff (by Ampere), Freischütz (by Foundation), Frontline (by Fürstenball), Heiline’s Zanzier (by Zack), Hove’s Terminator (by Temptation), Ierland (by Dream Boy), It’s Me (by Fürst Romancier), Revolution (by Rocky Lee), Romeo (by Romanov), Strandagergårds Faustino (by Fürstenball), and Tørveslettens Spartacus (by Sezuan).
Source & Photo: Ridehesten
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Foreign Bred Colts Dominate 2016 Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing