Fifty-one dressage bred colts and twenty-four show jumping bred colts have been selected to participate in the 2016 Westfalian Stallion Licensing in Munster-Handorf on 21 - 23 November 2016.
The Westfalian breed society held pre-selection days from 11 - 14 October 2016, at which they picked the collection for the licensing. Just like at this year's Oldenburg pre-selection in Vechta, the Westfalian selection committee picked quite some Dutch blood with 9 out of 51 dressage bred colts sired by KWPN stallions.
Franziskus (by Fidertanz x Alabaster x Rubinstein) is the best represented sire with four direct offspring selected for the licensing.
Photo © LL-foto
The dressage colts selected for the 2016 Westfalian Licensing are:
- All at once / Arpeggio / Florestan I
- All at once / Rapallo / Weinberg
- Apache / Houston / Glennridge
- Bonamour / De Niro / Larinero
- Bretton Woods / Fürst Piccolo / Sandro Hit
- Dancier / Sandro Hit / Hohenstein/T.
- Dante Weltino / Fürst Piccolo / Carprilli
- De Niro / Lancer II / Romadour II
- Destano / Ehrentanz I / Florestan I
- Diamond Hit / Foxiland xx / Pik Labionics
- Don Cesar / His Highness / Pik Bube I
- Don Frederic / Sandro Hit / Brentano II
- Don Juan de Hus / De Niro / Disco-Stern
- Don Nobless / Fürst Heinrich / Werther
- Dr. Watson / Rotspon / Wolkentanz
- Escolar / Desperados / Londonderry
- Escolar / Lanciano / Rheinblick
- Escolar / Lauries Crusador xx / Hohenstein
- First Choice / Romanov Blue Hors / Donnerhall
- First Selection / Ehrenpreis / Fleurop
- For Romance I / Sandro Hit / De Niro
- Franziskus / Dimension / First Gotthard
- Franziskus / Donnerball / Fidermark
- Franziskus / Dream On / Fibonacci
- Franziskus / First Final / Charisma I
- Furst Fohlenhof / Donnerschlag / Apart
- Furst Fohlenhof / Sandro Hit / Contender
- Fust Romancier / Rock Forever I / Dollmann
- Furstenball / De Kooning / Farewell III
- Furstenball / K2/T. / Londonderry
- Ganymedes / Argentinus / Lamoureux I
- Ganymedes / Fidertanz / Donnerhall
- Jazz / Flemmingh / Ferro
- Like a Diamond NRW / Fürst Piccolo / Rosenkavalier
- Quantensprung / Placido / Corlando
- Quaterhall / Wolkenstein II / Escudo II
- Rock Forever I / Fidermark / Frühlingsball
- San Amour I / Ehrentanz I / Freudentanz
- San Amour I / Ferragamo / Traumdeuter/T.
- Scuderia / Dressage Royal / Werther
- Sir Donnerhall I / Lauries Crusador xx / De Niro
- Sir Heinrich / Casparino / Cordial Medoc
- Sir Heinrich / Ehrentusch / Popper
- Sorento / Belissimo M / Delphi
- Sunday / Ehrenmann / Polydor
- Van Vivaldi / Fidermark / Domenico
- Vitalis / Ampere (NLD) / First Final
- Zack / Don Schufro / Brentano II
- Zatchmo / Sorento / Florencio I
- Zonik / Don Schufro / Lorentin I
- Zonik / Florestan I / Londonderry
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Three Colts Approved at 2016 Westfalian Saddle Licensing
D'Egalite, Champion of the 2015 Westfalian Stallion Licensing