Anne Moesgaard Appointed Assistant Team Leader for Danish Pony, Junior and Young Riders

Sat, 01/14/2017 - 08:04
Danish Dressage News

The Danish equestrian federation has appointed the 37-year old Anne Moesgaard as an assistent team leader for the pony, junior and young riders. Moesgaard will be assisting chef d'equipes Rigmor Kristensenand Catharina Ørnsholt Kristiansen.

Based near Silkeborg, Denmark, Moesgaard is a dressage rider who has competed up to Prix St Georges level. She is a family therapy counsellor by profession and is also studying to become a psychotherapist. 

Moesgaard will be assisting Danish pony chef d'equipe Rigmor Kristensen as well as the junior and young riders' chef d'equipe Catharina Ørnsholt Kristiansen, who is currently on maternity leave but still charged with her tasks. 

"I will be assisting mostly Catharina now that she is having a baby in the spring," Moesgaard told Eurodressage. "I am going to join mostly the junior and young rider teams at training camps and at competitions (national and international), and will have close contact with the Danish team coach about the devoloping of the riders and national team."

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