The 4-year old The Silver Rose, the 5-year old Buckton Thellini, the 6-year old FS Carry Gold became the winners of the 2017 Australian Young Pony Championships held at Dressage with the Stars at Werribee Equestrian Park in Melbourne, Australia, on 24 - 26 March 2017. The pony finals were judged by Maria Schwennesen, Marian Cunningham and Ricky MacMillan.
In the 4-year old division Bettina Kopetzky and The Silver Rose (by Weston Silver Sands x Dutchman) were on top with a 79.00 score. They went from a fourth place in the preliminary round to the tiel in the Finals. Sydney Evans and the small Australian stock horse Glenesk Rush Hour (by Greendale Acres of Hollywood out of Rosebrook Cool Running) were the runners-up with only a fraction of a point less, finishing with silver on 78.800% after a second place in the preliminary round. Shanon McKimmie and Kil Bennie's Australian bred Delon Park Hilkens Shadow (by Hilkens Black Delight x Ascot Royal Portrait) were good for bronze with 75.600% after winning the qualifier.
In the 5-year old finals seven ponies competed for top honour. Cooper Oborn and the imported German riding pony cross Buckton Thellini (by Hilkens Denali out of Shamila Greenlea Downton) made a massive push for power moving from seventh place in the qualifier to win the Finals. They edged out Amanda Shoobridge on the German bred SPB Diva Toscana (by Dimension AT x Top Nonstop). Oborn scored a winning 75.400% on the New Zealand bred pony, while Shoobridge finished second with 75.00% after leading the qualifier with 82.00 points. Toni Webb and Salient Park Prince (by Cwmkaren Tywysog Harri out of Burrowa Ladylight Express) landed the bronze with 71.00%.
Only two 6-year olds battled it out for the title and Sara Price topped the board on the imported German Riding Pony FS Carry Gold (by Coco Jambo x FS Dacapo Doro). The palomino mare scored a modest 68.80% for gold, while Kathleen Uniacke and the palomino Welsh pony cross Weston Park Composer (by Langtree Composer w SOD Silkwood Puss n Boots) were second with 56.200%.
In the champion of champions ultimate battle, German guest judge rider Nicole Wego test rode the three winning ponies and named FS Carry Gold the overall champion.
Photos © DJWTS - private
Results - 2017 Australian Young Pony Championships - Werribee
4-year olds - Round 2 (Finals)
- 1. The Silver Rose - Bettina Kopetzky - 79.000%
- 2. Glenesk Rush Hour - Sydney Evans - 78.800%
- 3. Delon Park Hilkens Shadow - Shanon McKimmie - 75.600%
- 4. Jazdan Neverland - Sian Hendry - 75.000%
- 5. Keskinen Nutcracker - Olivia Joel - 74.400%
- 6. Mithiral Herakles - Louise Maguire - 72.200%
- 7. Gleniph Tiramisu - Darryl Hayes - 70.600%
- 8. TF True Hertiage - Javais Ham- 70.200%
- 9. Kingsfield Arlington - Sara Price - 68.400%
- 10. Buckwell Park Irresistible - Ailish Hill - 66.000%
5-year olds - Round 2 (Finals)
- 1. Buckton Thellini - Cooper Oborn - 75.400%
- 2. SPB Diva Toscana - Amanda Shoobridge - 75.000%
- 3. Salient Park Prince - Toni Webb - 71.000%
- 4. Carwyn Monte Carlo - Sancha Butler - 70.000%
- 5. Mithril Velocity - Kristy Sparkes - 69.400%
- 6. Cheraton Blue Label - Darryl Hayes - 65.600%
- 7. TF Dont Ask - Grace Kay - 60.800%
6-year olds - Round 2 (Finals)
- 1. FS Carry Gold - Sara Price - 68.800%
- 2. Weston Park Composer - Kathleen Uniacke - 56.200%
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