Pony rider Daria Hohenwarter, children rider Sofie Thonhauser, junior rider Victoria Wurzinger, young rider Diana Porsche, small tour rider Peter Gmoser, Under 25 rider Karoline Valenta and Grand Prix rider Belinda Weinbauer were the winners of the 2017 Austrian Dressage Championships held at Diana Wunscheck's Gutenhof equestrian centre in Himberg, Austria on 22 - 24 September 2017.
In the pony division Daria Hohenwarter finished her pony time with the national title. Aboard the 12-year old German bred Candyman (by Charm of Nibelungen) she won both rounds with 71.325% and 72.886% and got the gold. Lilli Ochsenhofer and the 8-year old Nashira (by Noir de Luxe) grabbed silver with 68.547% and 68.780%, while Corina Gosch and the 12-year old Bruintje (by ) landed the bronze after posting 68.291% and 68.455%.
In the Children's division eight riders competed and Sofie Thonhauser topped the ranking on the 14-year old Hanoverian Dioptas (by Don Boscho). She was second in the first round with 69.143% but won the second round on 70.439% for the title. Lilly Messner and the 11-year old German Riding Pony Red Diamond B (by Dornik Double) got silver with 69.571% and 69.825%. Theresa Staudiger and the 8-year old Rhinelander mare Sunlight (by Salamander) finished with bronze on 67.429% and 69.430%.
In the junior division the 17-year old Victoria Wurzinger and Sissy Max-Theurer's Rhinelander gelding Bvlgari (by Belissimo M) cruised to the national title with two winning rounds of 72.523% and 71.930%. Wurzinger's greatest challenger and last year's champion, Nicola Ahorner, was absent from the event as her horse is not fit. Lilli Ochsenhofer scored her second silver medal of the weekend after pony silver on Nashira. Aboard her 11-year old Hanoverian mare Sanibel (by Samarant) she produced two consistent rounds that earned her 70.315% and 69.342%. Helen Grabenwöger and the 13-year old Oldenburg bred Dancing Diamond (by Diamond Hit- landed the bronze medal after posting 70.495% and 68.728% on the board.
"Bulli was great to ride today," said champion Wurzinger at the end of the second test. "He was on my aids and fully focused, which is important because bodily I felt affected by the drop in temperature this week." Wurzinger is a high school student at the Liese Prokop private school for top athletes.
Austrian Under 25 rider Diana Porsche dropped back to young riders' level to compete her 9-year old Dutch warmblood Douglas (by Johnson) at the Austrian YR Nationals. The pair won the both rouns with 70.307% and 71.140% for gold. Florentina-Gisi Lorenz and her 12-year old Oldenburg bred Coco Procol Harum (by Cheenook) landed silver with 68.991% and 67.544% while Marie Christine Fuhs and the 16-year old Dutch warmblood Perfect Illusion SJPO (by Pierrot) scored bronze with 67.237% and 66.288%.
In the small tour Peter Gmoser steered Nicola Ahorner's 12-year old Rhinelander gelding Lezard (by Lord Loxley) to victory with 73.421% and 74.211%. Wolfgang Himsl and Sissy Max-Theurer's 8-year old Westfalian Dubrovnik (by Diamond Hit) got silver with 70.868% and 71.132%. Anja Luise Wessely-Trupp and the 10-year old Oldenburg Sparkling Fizz (by Serano Gold) got the bronze with twice the same score of 69.868%.
"Lezard is a fun horse that won the small tour under Isabell Werth a few years ago," said Gmoser. "This was only our third show together and there is still room for improvement. We'll discuss further plans with the Ahorner family, but in any case it is a pleasure to work with this horse."
Only three riders contested the Under 25 championships and Karoline Valenta turned out to be a league of her own as the sole rider producing two scores over 70%. Aboard the 11-year old Hanoverian bred Diego (by Desperados) she earned 72.579% and 71.442% for the gold. Franziska Fries and the 12-year old Dutch warmblood Atomic (by Florencio) got silver with 68.368% and 68.256%. Oliver Valenta has moved his young rider's horse Fantast, a 10-year old Oldenburg by Faustinus, up to Grand Prix level and earned U25 bronze with 67.368% and 67.093%.
Belinda Weinbauer extended her 2016 title with another gold medal this year in the Grand Prix Championship. Aboard Marianne Jerich's 15-year old Hanoverian gelding Sohnlein Brilliant MJ (by Shakespeare in Love) se won the Grand Prix with 73.140% and the Kur to Music with 78.200% for gold. Astrid Neumayer and the 17-year old Brandenburger bred Rodriguez (by Rubinstern Noir) finished with silver after scoring 70.420% and 74.050%. Amanda Hartung and the 10-year old Hanoverian Dresscode Black (by Don Frederico) got bronze with consistent rounds that earned her 69.420% and 70.975%.
"I'm so grateful that I'm allowed to ride Sohnlein," said Weinbauer. "He's such an incredible sports partner and gives his all in the show ring. This year was just unbelievable with a 14th place in the finals at the European Championships in Gothenburg as highlight and now my second national title. It's a dream."
Photos © Petra Kerschbaum
Results - 2017 Austrian Dressage Championships - Guthof
Pony Riders
- 1. Candyman - Hohenwarter Daria - 71,325 - 72,886 --- 144,211
- 2. Nashira - Ochsenhofer Lilli - 68,547 - 68,780 --- 137,327
- 3. Bruintje - Gosch Corina - 68,291 - 68,455 --- 136,746
- 4. Der kleine Prinz - Stallmeister Pia - 68,547 - 67,846 --- 136,393
- 5. Helios B- Messner Lilly 68,162 - 67,683 --- 135,845
- 6. Avellino -Grabenwöger Helene - 67,094 - 66,829 --- 133,923
- 7. Don Ducky - Moser Lucia - 67,137 - 66,057 --- 133,194
- 8. Antares - Gebhard Corinna - 65,513 - 65,447 --- 130,960
- 9. Malcolm - Polonia Anna Katharina - 66,282 - 64,472 --- 130,754
- 10. Bada Bing Bada Boom - Pölz Ronja Viktoria - 62,051 - 63,252 --- 125,303
- 1. Dioptas - Thonhauser Sofie - 69,143 - 70,439 --- 139,582
- 2. Red Diamond B - Messner Lilly - 69,571 - 69,825 --- 139,396
- 3. Sunlight - Staudinger Theresa - 67,429 - 69,430 --- 136,859
- 4. Laureen - Fadrany Katharina - 66,952 66,228- --- 133,180
- 5. Doc Holiday - Polonia Anna Katharina - 63,000 69,03- 5 --- 132,035
- 6. Witessa - Spielhofer Anna - 64,095 - 66,886 --- 130,981
- 7. Tuesday - Bartl Selina - 64,619 - 65,526 --- 130,145
- 8. Debut Dallas - Ochsenhofer Oskar - 64,095 - 64,254 --- 128,349
Junior Riders
- 1. Bvlgari - Wurzinger Victoria - 72,523 - 71,930 --- 144,453
- 2. Sanibel - Ochsenhofer Lilli- 70,315 - 69,342 --- 139,657
- 3 .Dancing Diamond - Grabenwöger Helene - 70,495 - 68,728 --- 139,223
- 4. Dior - Brugger Kathrin - 68,784 - 68,070 --- 136,854
- 5. Feliciano - Pengg Chiara - 68,108 - 68,289 --- 136,397
- 6. Northland's Jeraldo - Url Paul - 67,207 - 65,877 --- 133,084
- 7. Firmamento - Artner Felix - 66,847 - 65,789 --- 132,636
- 8. Koriander I - Mayringer Isabell - 64,775 - 66,272 --- 131,047
- 9. Louis Vuitton - Süss Lara - 64,910 - 65,570 --- 130,480
- 10. Dynero - Fuschelberger Carina - 62,162 - 63,553 --- 125,715
- 11. Flint - Hasibeder Antonia - 62,432 - 60,702 --- 123,134
Young Riders
- 1. Douglas - Porsche Diana - 70,307 - 71,140 --- 141,447
- 2. Coco Procol Harum - Lorenz Florentina-Gisi - 68,991 - 67,544 --- 136,535
- 3. Perfect Illusion SJP - Fuhs Marie-Christine - 67,237 - 66,228 --- 133,465
- 4. Show Man M - Francz Sophie Marlene - 65,921 - 64,298 --- 130,219
- 5. Lord Lancelot R - Riehl Alexandra - 65,000 - 65,132 --- 130,132
- 6. Pentaro - Baumgartinger Magdalena - 62,982 - 66,360 --- 129,342
- 7. Highlight R - Knuchel Anna - 63,596 - 64,825 --- 128,421
Small Tour (top 10 only)
- 1. Lezard - Gmoser Peter - 73,421 - 74,211 --- 147,632
- 2. Dubrovnik NRW- Himsl Wolfgang - 70,868 - 71,132 --- 142,000
- 3. Sparkling Fizz - Wessely-Trupp Anja Luise - 69,868 - 69,868 --- 139,73
- 4. Fidertraum - Bacher Florian - 69,395 - 70,000 --- 139,395
- 5. Royal Classic - Hauptmann Martin - 69,316 - 68,342 --- 137,658
- 6. Umani - Hergeth Angela - 67,237 - 66,895 --- 134,132
- 7. Rubens Recaro - Kendlbacher Bettina - 66,447 - 66,632 --- 133,079
- 8. My Stardancer - Brandner Tamara - 66,289 - 66,711 --- 133,000
- 9. Glückskeks - Dürrheim Sabine - 65,816 - 65,737 --- 131,553
- 10. Sandro Ravello - Holzer Nadine - 66,500 - 64,579 --- 131,079
Under 25
- 1. Diego - Valenta Karoline - 72,579 -71,442 ---144,021
- 2. Atomic - Fries Franziska - 68,368 - 68,256 --- 136,624
- 3. Fantast - Valenta Oliver - 67,368 - 67,093 --- 134,461
- 1. Söhnlein Brilliant MJ - Weinbauer Belinda - 73,140 - 78,200 --- 151,340
- 2. Rodriguez - Neumayer Astrid - 70,420 - 74,050 --- 144,470
- 3. Dresscode Black - Hartung Amanda - 69,420 - 70,975 --- 140,395
- 4. Dorina - Haim-Swarovski Evelyn - 67,000 - 70,650 --- 137,650
- 5. Junimond - Gabriel Pia - 66,300 - 69,100 --- 35,400
- 6. Donaublick - Svehla Tatjana - 65,080 - 69,875 --- 134,955
- 7. Epomeo - Ficenc Stephanie - 63,620 - 66,600 --- 130,220
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