The dates for the two 2018 North American stallion sport tests have been confirmed. The tests will take place at the beginning of November in Maryland and California.
For 2018 the North American Stallion Sport Tests will take place on the East Coast on 1 - 3 November 2018 at Hilltop Farm in Colora, Maryland. The West Coast testing will be held 5 - 7 Novembe 2018 at Pollyrich Farms in Solvang, California.
In 2017 the American Hanoverian Society, Inc. (AHS), the Hanoverian Verband (HV) and the German Oldenburg Verband (OHBS) first hosted the North American three-day stallion test. Open to 4-, 5-, and 6-year old stallions from the AHS, OHBS, and other registries, the testing provides North American stallion owners with an opportunity for their stallions to earn lifetime breeding approval according to the regulations of their specific registries.
The three-day testing format has proven popular in Germany the past two years. Testing requirements are specific to age and discipline. Each horse attends with their own rider and there is a Guest Rider component to the scoring as well. Stallions must attend two consecutive years of sport testing to fulfill their performance requirements with the AHS and OHBS as well as achieve a minimum overall score of 7.5 at each testing.
The panel of judges and guest riders will be individuals who are approved by the German Equestrian Federation (FN).
"German horses have a big influence on the breeding of sport horses in the US and stallion performance tests are one of the most important parts of a serious breeding program," said Klaus Miesner, FN breeding director. "The German Equestrian Federation therefore is in favor of the idea of doing a stallion sport test after the new German model in the US and will be happy to give any support needed."
Photo © Allie Conrad
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