Pony Rider - Team Championships Test
Judges: Pawlowska, Leyman, van Twist
- 1. Jana Lang - Cyrill - 73.00 (Germany)
- 2. Sophie Taylor - George Clooney - 70.524 (Great Britain)
- 3. Sanne van der Pols - Orchid's Syria - 70.381 (Holland)
- 4. Jana Lang - Nur Fur Dich - 70.143 (Germany)
- 5. Lea Marie Golkowski - Die Feine Chanel - 69.857 (Germany)
- 6. Zoe Niessen - Minerva Bijou - 68.953 (Belgium)
- 7. Nina Woerts - Bodethal's Kosima - 68.810 (Holland)
- 8. Esmee Zwaagstra - Desperado - 68.810 (Holland)
- 9. Shanna Baars - Don Camillo du Bois - 68.714 (Holland)
- 10. Isobel Lickley - Valido's Sunshine - 68.714 (Great Britain)
- 11. Holly Kerslake - Valhallas Zorro - 68.571 (Great Britain)
- 12. Lisa Hamminga - Golden Deliught - 68.428 (Holland)
- 13. Liz Bouman - Ruby - 67.667 (Holland)
- 14. Michelle Kramer - Campsterhoven's Baldato - 67.429 (Holland)
- 15. Clara Mourlon Beernaert - Don't Dream - 67.048 (Belgium)
- 16. Jill Bogers - Zip - 67.000 (Holland)
- 17. Marieke van Nespen - Orchid's Borneo II - 66.857 (Belgium)
- 18. Raiza Hendrix - Crommentuyns Fuego - 66.571 (Holland)
- 19. Lisa Hamminga - Turfhorst Pachino - 66.381 (Holland)
- 20. Alberte Frederiksen - Max - 66.190 (Belgium)
- 21. Aypril Hoogstrate - Royal - 64.048 (Holland)
- 22. Rianna Ubels - First Hummer - 63.524 (Holland)
- 23. Ava Krause - GOlden Legend - 63.238 (Holland)
- 24. Rianna Ubels - Beukenoord's Bizar - 61.905 (Holland)
- 25. Lisa Arcq - Benji - 61.714 (Belgium)
- 26. Lisa Arcq - Egg Land's Ithalo - 60.095 (Belgium)
Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: wolfs, Pawlowska, Leyman
- 1. Sanne van der Pols - Orchid's Syria - 71.802 (Holland)
- 2. Lea Marie Golkowski - Die Feine Chanel - 71.532 (Germany)
- 3. Jana Lang - Cyrill - 71.487 (Germany)
- 4. Zoe Nissen - Minerva Bijou - 70.450 (Holland)
- 5. Jana Lang - Nur Fur Dich - 69.820 (Germany)
- 6. Jill Bogers - Zip - 69.595 (Holland)
- 7. Holly Kerslake - Valhallas Zorro - 68.964 (Great Britain)
- 8. Sophie Taylor - George Clooney BS - 68.739 (Great Britain)
- 9. Marieke van Nespen - Orchid's Borneo II - 68.739 (Belgium)
- 10. Lisa Hamminga - Turfhorst Pachino - 68.423 (Holland)
- 11. Esmee Zwaagstra - Desperado - 68.199 (Holland)
- 12. Shanna Baars - Don Camillo du Bois - 67.928 (Holland)
- 13. Michelle Kramer - Campsterhoven's Baldato - 67.793 (Holland)
- 14. Lisa Hamminga - Golden Delight - 67.568 (Holland)
- 15. Isobel Lickley - Valido's Sunshine - 67.297 (Great Britain)
- 16. Rianne Ashley Ubels - First Hummer - 67.252 (Holland)
- 17. Ava Krause - Golden Legend - 66.622 (Holland)
- 18. Liz Bouman - Ruby - 66.486 (Holland)
- 19. nina Woerts - Bodethal's Kosima - 66.441 (Holland)
- 20. Raiza Hendrikx - Crommentuyns Fuego - 65.946 (Holland)
- 21. Clara Mourlon Beernaert - Don't Dream - 65.946 (Belgium)
- 22. Alberte Frederiksen - Max - 65.856 (Belgium)
- 23. Lisa Arcq - Benji - 63.829 (Belgium)
- 24. Lisa Arcq - Egg Land's Ithalo - 61.847 (Belgium)
- 25. Aypril Hoogstrate - Royal - 61.441 (Holland)
- 26. Rianne Ashley Ubels - Beukenoord's Bizar - 59.415 (Holland)
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Hillier, Wolfs, Leyman
- 1. Jana Lang - Cyrill - 76.708 (Germany)
- 2. Sanne van der Pols - Orchid's Syria - 75.33 (Holland)
- 3. Lea Marie Golkowski - Die Feine Chanel - 74.417 (Germany)
- 4. Zoe Niessen - Minerva Bijou - 72.558 (Holland)
- 5. Jill Bogers - Zip - 71.125 (Holland)
- 6. Isobel Lickley - Valido's Sunshine - 70.167 (Great Britain)
- 7. Holly Kerslake - Valhallas Zorro - 70.067 (Great Britain)
- 8. Esmee Zwaagstra - Desperado - 70.042 (Holland)
- 9. Michelle Kramer - Campsterhoven's Baldato - 69.625 (Holland)
- 10. Marieke van Nespen - Orchid's Borneo II - 68.125 (Belgium)
- 11. Lisa Hamminga - Golden Delight - 67.958 (Holland)
- 12. Sophie Taylor - George Clooney BS - 67.500 (Great Britain)
Children - Preliminary Test
Judges: Wolfs, Halsall, Hillier
- 1. Maite Colling - Rapallo CL - 71.136 (Belgium)
- 2. Donna van Eden - Famou - 68.106 (Holland)
- 3. Kseniia Panchenko - Mobad - 66.591 (Ukraine)
- 4. Miliu Ekkel - Uvonia - 66.439 (Holland)
- 5. Marie Elena Tourkomani - Seine Toska - 65.455 (Greece)
- Sanne van der Pols - Excellentie - RET (Holland)
Children - Team Championship Test
Judges: van Twist, Leyman, Halsall
- 1. Maite Colling - Rapallo CL - 70.256 (Belgium)
- 2. Donna van Eden - Fanou - 68.910 (Holland)
- 3. Sanne van der Pols - Excellentie - 68.590 (Holland)
- 4. Milou Ekkel - Uvonia - 65.641 (Holland)
- 5. Kseniia Panchenko - Mobad - 60.897 (Ukraine)
- 6. Maria Eleni Tourkomani - Seine Toska - 53.205 (Ukraine)
Children - Individual Test
Judges: Halsall, Pawlowska, Van Twist
- 1. Sanne van der Pols - Excellentie - 72.381 (Holland)
- 2. Maite Colling - Rapallo CL - 68.274 (Belgium)
- 3. Donna van Eden - Fanou - 67.560 (Holland)
- 4. Milou Ekkel - Uvonia - 65.050 (Holland)
- 5. Kseniia Panchenko - Mobad - 61.012 (Ukraine)
Junior Rider - Team Championships Test
Judges: Hillier,Wolfs, Halsall
- 1. Kimberly Papa - Vloet Victory - 71.818 (Holland)
- 2. Charlotte Ruhl - Dante - 70.353 (Germany)
- 3. Milou Dees - Francesco - 70.151 (Holland)
- 4. Sophia Ludvigsen - Gorklintgaards Jericho - 69.041 (Denmark)
- 5. Carolien Pauwels - Spielbergs Cartier - 68.030 (Belgium)
- 6. Alice Campanella - Chin Chan K - 67.323 (Italy)
- 7. Ellen Linden Urnes - Fairy Tale - 66.818 (Sweden)
- 8. Sophie Jamar - Zoe - 65.303 (Belgium)
- 9. Katelijne Maas - Ibou van de Kapelhoef - 63.843 (Belgium)
- 10. Leen Evers - Golany - 63.535 (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Halsall, Hillier, Van Twist
- 1. Kimberly Pap - Vloet Victory - 71.373 (Holland)
- 2. Alice Campanella - Chin Chan K - 69.314 (Italy)
- 3. Sophia Ludvigsen - Gorklintgaards Jericho - 68.529 (Denmark)
- 4. Milou Dees - Francesco - 67.402 (Holland)
- 5. Sophie Jamar - Zoe - 66.520 (Belgium)
- 6. Katelijne Maes - Ibou van de Kapelhof - 66.421 (Belgium)
- 7. Carolien Pauwels - Spielbergs Cartier - 66.176 (Belgium)
- 8. Ellen Linden Urnes - Fairy Tale - 66.128 (Sweden)
- 9. Charlotte Ruhl - Dante - 66.079 (Germany)
- 10. Leen Evers - Golany - 64.314 (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Halsall, van Twist, Pawlowska
- 1. Kimberly Pap - Vloet Victory - 76.042 (Holland)
- 2. Sophia Ludvigsen - Gorklintgaards Jericho - 71.667 (Denmark)
- 3. Alice Campanella - Chin Chan K - 71.250 (Italy)
- 4. Ellen Linden Urnes - Fairy Tale - 69.750 (Sweden)
- 5. Milou Dees - Francesco - 69.375 (Holland)
- 6. Charlotte Ruhl - Dante - 69.000 (Germany)
- 7. Leen Evers - Golany - 66.458 (Belgium)
- 8. Carolien Pauwels - Spielbergs Cartier - 66.417 (Belgium)
- 9. Sophie Jamar - Zoe -65.375 (Belgium)
- 10. Katelijne Maes - Ibou van de Kapelhof - 65.125 (Belgium)
Young Rider - Team Championships Test
Judges: Halsall, Hillier, Wolfs
- 1. Laura Quint - Edison - 69.510 (Holland)
- 2. Jennifer Lindvall - Bobcat - 69.019 (Sweden)
- 3. Bo Oudhof - Colt Sollenburg - 68.970 (Holland)
- 4. Lisanne Zoutendijk - Zilverstar - 68.774 (Holland)
- 5. Beatrice Ivarsson - Charles - 67.451 (Sweden)
- 6. Carlijn Vaessen - Fossbury - 67.451 (Holland)
- 7. Suraya Hendrikx - Dear Friend - 67.010 (Belgium)
- 8. Suraya Hendrikx - Black Beauty - 66.912 (Belgium)
- 9. Ludwig Wilken - Capo Knight - 66.863 (Sweden)
- 10. Kate Wiggins - Corona - 66.667 (Belgium)
- 11. Louise Mourlon Beernaert - Robinho - 66.618 (Belgium)
- 12. Laura Luyten - Dark Chocolate - 66.176 (Belgium)
- 13. Yannick Lambrichts - Ishar - 64.559 (Belgium)
- 14. Aurelie van der Voort - Don Domingo - 60.637 (Belgium)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Hillier, Halsall, van Twist
- 1. Jennifer Lindval - Bobcat - 71.569 (Sweden)
- 2. Laura Quint - Edison - 70.343 (Holland)
- 3. Lisanne Zoutendijk - Zilversar - 69.069 (Holland)
- 4. Ludwig Wilken - Capo Knight - 68.088 (Sweden)
- 5. Suraya Hendrikx - Dear Friend - 67.745 (Belgium)
- 6. Laura Luyten - Dark Chocolate - 67.647 (Belgium)
- 7. Beatrice Ivarsson - Charles - 67.549 (Sweden)
- 8. Suraya Hendrikx - Black Beauty - 67.304 (Belgium)
- 9. Kate Wiggins - Corona - 66.226 (Belgium)
- 10. Aurelie van der Voort - Don Domingo - 66.177 (Belgium)
- 11. Carlijn Vaessen - Fossbury - 65.833 (Holland)
- 12. Yannick Lambrichts - Ishar - 65.686 (Belgium)
- 13. Louise Mourlon Beernaert - Robinho - 65.196 (Belgium)
- Bo Oudhof - Colt Sollenburg - RET (Holland)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Hillier, Leyman, Wolfs
- 1. Lisanne Zoutendijk - Zilverstar - 74.250 (Holland)
- 2. Jennifer Lindvall - Bobcat - 73.667 (Sweden)
- 3. Laura Quint - Edison - 72.058 (Holland)
- 4. Louise Mourlon Beernaert - Robinho - 70.208 (Belgium)
- 5. Beatrice Ivarsson - Charles - 69.875 (Sweden)
- 6. Suraya Hendrikx - Black Beauty - 69.600 (Belgium)
- 7. Laura Luyten - Dark Chocolate - 69.558 (Belgium)
- 8. Kate Wiggins - Corona - 66.917 (Belgium)
- 9. Aurelie van der Voort - Don Domingo - 66.392 (Belgium)
- 10. Yannick Lambrichts - Ishar - 65.917 (Belgium)
- Carlijn Vaessen - Fossbury - RET (Holland)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Leyman, van Twist, Pawlowska
- 1. Claire Gallimore - Annette Ballerina - 68.889 (Great Britain)
- 2. Piia Salminen - Don Diamond - 61.709 (Finland)
Under 25 - Kur to Music
Judges: Wolfs, Hillier, Halsall
- 1. Claire Gallimore - Annette Ballerina - 71.792 (Great Britain)