A dramatic loss for German Under 25 Grand Prix rider Anna-Louise Fuchs. She had to put down her number one horse Rodrigos E.H. following another severe colic attack.
Rodrigos E.H. was a 16-year old Baden Wurttemberger bred gelding by Royal Diamond x Angriff Anruf x Lombard x Wolfburg. He was bred by Eberhard Höhn and owned by Dominique Garvs.
The chestnut was started as youngster by Juliane Höfer and competed by a string of riders: Melanie Zingerl, Frank Angst, Diana Livingston, and Dominique Garvs. Renate Gohr-Bimmel showed him the longest and took him to Grand Prix level.
Anna-Louise Fuchs made her show debut on Rodrigos at the national show in Zeutern in March 2016. In the autumn of 2016 Rodrigos already suffered a severe colic attack and was operated on. However, he recovered well and quickly and returned to the show ring within months.
In 2017 they competed in the international Under 25 classes in Mannheim and Rotterdam. The pair finished seventh in the 2017 Piaff Forderpreis Finals, which are the German U25 Championships, held in Frankfurt in December. It was their last show. At the Piaff Forderpreis selection trial in February 2018, the pair did not make the cut.
Reiterjournal reported that Rodrigos EH showed severe colic signs at the beginning of the week and was transported to the equine clinic, where he was operated on. Unfortunately the damage was so great with internal bleeding that he could not be saved. He was euthanized in the night of Tuesday 1 May 2018.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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