The 5-year old Ben Vito and the 6-year old Landon Donovan became the winners of the two Bundeschampionate qualification classes held at the regional show at equestrian centre Niershof in Mönchengladbach, Germany, on Sunday 1 July 2018.
Eleven horses competed in the 5-year old division and Stefanie Wittmann and Uwe Hild's Hanoverian gelding Ben Vito (by Benicio x Lauries Crusador xx) topped the board with 8.3. The bay gelding got 8.5. for walk and canter, 8 for trot and submission and 8.5 for general impression. The Austrian Lisa Wernitznig and Neustadt/Dosse's German Sport Horse stallion Be My Hero (by Belantis x Quaterman) landed second place with 8.2. He got 8.5 for walk, 9 for trot, 8 for canter, 7 for submission and 8.5 for general impression.
Eleven pairs rode the M-level dressage horse test for 6-year olds and Julia Funke led the pack aboard the Hanoverian gelding Landon Donovan (by Londontime x Davignon). She scored 8.2 in total with an 8 for walk, 8.5 for trot, 9 for canter, 7.5 for submission and 8 for general impression. Laura Wendels and her Hanoverian Legendary Loon (by Lissaro x Falsterb as well as Swedish Therese Nilshagen and Lodbergen's German sport horse stallion Dominy (by Diamond Hit x Pour Plaisir) tied in second place with 8.0. Legendary Loon got 9 for walk, 7.5 for trot and canter and 8 for submission and general impression. Dominy earned 8.5 for walk and canter, 8 for trot, 7 for submission and 8 for general impression.
Results - 2018 Bundeschampionate Qualifier - Mönchengladbach
5-year olds
- 1. Ben Vito (by Benicio / Lauries Crusador xx) - Wittmann,Stefanie - 8.30
- 2. Be my Hero (by Belantis / Quaterman) - Wernitznig,Lisa 8.20
- 3. Firlefranz (by Franziskus / Rapallo) - Klimke,Ingrid - 8.10
- 4. Sir Diamond Junior (by Sandro Hit / De Niro) - Piotrowski,Juliette - 8.00
- 5. Amigo (by Antango / Fidertanz) - Braun,Nathalie - 7.50
- 5. Lord Cristobal (by Lord Loxley I / Coriander) - Freund,Jana - 7.50
- 7. Fürst for me (by Fürst Piccolo / Don Bedo) - Abbelen,AnnaChristina 7.40
- 7. Felize (by Foundation / Sandro Hit) - Klimke,Ingrid - 7.40
- 7. Dresscode (by Destano / Friedensritter) - Wetzler,Charline - 7.40
- 10. Federleicht (by Fürstenball / SunnyBoy) - Landwehrs,Elisa - 7.20
- 11. Constantin (by Conteur / Carabas) - Ketteniss,Martina - 7.10
6-year olds
- 1. Landon Donovan (by Londontime / Davignon) - Funke,Julia - 8.20
- 2. Legendary Loon (by Lissaro / Falsterbo) - Wendels,Laura - 8.00
- 2. Dominy (by Diamond Hit / Pour Plaisir) - Nilshagen,Therese - 8.00
- 4. Dolcetto (by Diamo Gold / Stedinger) - Wittmann,Stefanie - 7.60
- 5. Dalicanto (by ancier / Rotspon) - Schiergen,Heiner- 7.50
- 6. La petite Fleur (by Lord Carnaby / Donnerschlag) - Rive,Thomas - 7.10
- 7. Quinntus (by Quaterback / De Niro) - Franz,Sina - 7.00
- 7. Franzl (by Franziskus / De Niro) - Van Peer,Dries - 7.00
- 9. VivalaVida (by Vitalis / Rock Forever I) - Wetzler,Ralf - 6.80
- 10. Famous (by Fürst Piccolo / Don Bedo I) - Kleimeyer,Christoph - 6.70
- 11. Santiago (by Sandro Hit / Gribaldi) - Gaspar,Luis Miguel - 6.30
Related Link
Eurodressage coverage of the 2018 Bundeschampionate