Canadian Pan Am team candidate Tina Irwin-Busse is sidelined for a while as she sustained a hand injury in a trailer accident right before the 2019 CDI Wellington, which kicked off on 20 February 2019.
"I was loading a horse on the trailer and it kicked me with both hind legs," Irwin told Eurodressage. "I will be off from riding, I am to see a specialist for the hand next week. Luckily the doctors say that there are no broken bones."
This year Irwin dropped her top ride Laurencio, a 12-year old Oldenburg gelding by Laurentio x Donnerhall, from Grand Prix level back to small tour to grab a spot on the Canadian Pan American Games' team. At the 2019 Pan Ams in Lima, Peru, Canada can qualify a team for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. The Pan Ams are run at two levels: big and small tour with mixed teams.
Husband Jaimey will compete Laurencio in Wellington this weekend instead. "He is the catch rider," she joked.
The 38-year old Irwin added, "I feel very fortunate to walk away from this incident, it could have been much different!"
Photo © Astrid Appels
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