2019 Bundeschampionate Qualifier

The Hanoverian Breed Society has announced the 3 and 4-year old riding horses that have qualified to represent Hanover at the 2019 Bundeschampionate in Warendorf.
The selection is based on the results of the youngsters in the 2019 Hanoverian Young Horse Championships which took place in Verden, Germany, on 9 - 11 August 2019.
The Hanoverian riding horses selected for Warendorf are:
3-year olds - Mares and Geldings
- Barcelona (by Borsalino x Danone) - Jacob Schenk
- Dantiamo (by Dante Weltino x Londonderry) - Jo Anne Meyer
- Financial Times (by Floris Prince x Benetton Dream) - Heiko Klausing
- Fürstin-Look PS (by Fürstenball x Sir Donnerhall) - Leandra Hahn
- L‘Avion (by Livaldon x Longchamp) - Denise Behr
- Vento (by Vivaldi x Fürst Romancier) - Kristina Straeten-Winkler
3-year olds - Stallions
- Bon Courage (by Bon Coeur x Vivaldi) - Jessica Lynn Thomas
- Damaschino (by Danone x Fidertanz) - Hannah Laser
- Danciero (by Dancier x Floriscount) - Eva Möller
- Rod Laver (VA) (by Rock Forever x Fidertanz) - Lena Stegemann
- reserve: LaFerrari (VA) by Le Vivaldi x Lauries Crusador xx) - Judit Sarda
4-year olds - Mares and Geldings
- Be Happy (by Belantis x Sunny-Boy) - Beatrice Buchwald
- Costa Brava (VA) (by Christ x Londontime) - Kira Wulferding
- Fassianos (VA) (by For Romance x St. Moritz) - Bianca Nowag
- Festspiel (by Foundation x Quaterback) - Hermann Gerdes
- Foxtrott 2M2 (by Fürstbischof x Samba Hit) - Anna Svanberg
- Saniola (by San Amour x Fürst Romancier) - Nicole Wego
- Sarafina (by San Amour x Christ) - Claudia Rüscher
- reserve: Dantana Q (by Dantano x Fürst Romancier) - Jacob Schenk
4-year olds - Stallions
- Frizzantino (VA) (by Finest x Quaterback) - Borja Carrascosa
Automatically qualified as medalists at the 2018 Bundeschampionate are:
- Feingefühl (by Fürstenball x Farewell III)
- Daktari K (VA) (by Danciano x Belissimo M)
- So Unique (VA) (by Sezuan x Donnerhall)
- Despacito (by Don Nobless x Sandro Hit)
Photo © LL-foto
Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2019 Bundeschampionate