The 4-year old Kjento, the 5-year old Jameson, and the 6-year old Imposantos took the lead in the semi-finals of the 2019 Pavo Cup which is taking place at the KWPN headquarters in Ermelo, The Netherlands, on 13 - 15 August 2019.
The Pavo Cup serves as the Dutch warmblood young horse championship and is therefore only open to KWPN registered or licensed horses.
The top 20 in the 4- and 5-year old division and the top 12 in the 6-year old category moves on to Finals on Friday. They consist of another assessment under their steady rider, folllowed by the top ranked horses being test ridden by guest judge rider Philipp Hess.
Kjento Almost Gets 90
The 4-year old semi-finals took place on Tuesday 13 August and no less than 67 horses qualified for the semi-finals. Sixty-five of them actually came to Ermelo.
British GP team rider Charlotte Fry steered Gert-jan van Olst's licensed stallion Kjento (by Negro x Jazz) into the lead with 89 points. The black stallion, who was the high scorer of the 2018 KWPN Autumn Stallion Performance Testing, receive 7.3 for walk, 9.8 for trot 9.9 for canter, 8.5 for harmony and 9.0 for general impression.
Marieke van der Putten and RS2 Dressage's dark bay stallion Keano (by Governor x Krack C) were the runners-up with 88 points. He received 7.5 for walk, 9.5 for trot and canter, 8.5 for harmony and 9.0 for general impression. Emmelie Scholtens and Kevin Costner Texel (by Negro x Jazz) were third with 87 points after receiving 7.5 for walk, 9.2 for trot, 9.5 for canter, 8.5 for harmony and 8.8 for general impression.
Jameson Benefits from WCYH Ermelo
Marieke van der Putten and the KWPN licensed stallion Jameson (by Zack x Negro) were considered top contenders for a medal at the 2019 World Young Horse Championships in Ermelo two weeks ago and although their qualified for the final, the black was impressed by his surroundings and did not fully relax. However the mileage in the Ermelo arena did him well as in the Pavo Cup the stallion was able to score high marks throughout. He scored 7.8 for his rather limited walk, but the trot and canter got straight 10s. For harmony Jameson earned 9.5 and for general impression he got 9.0 to finish on a winning total of 92.6 points.
Renate van Vliet and her WCYH finalist Johnny Depp (by Bordeaux x Jazz) landed second place with 91.0 points. The elastic bay stallion got 9.5 fo rwalk, 9.1 for trot, 9.0 for canter, 8.9 for harmony and 9.0 for general impression.
Emmelie Scholtens and the Friesian crossbred Johnny Be Goode (by Dream Boy x Tietse D) landed third place with 90.2 points, after receiving 8.9 for walk, 9.0 for trot, 9.3 for canter, 8.9 for harmony and 9.0 for general impression.
Imposantos Keeps his Stride in Pavo Cup
Bart Veeze and the KWPN licensed stallion Imposantos (by Wynton x Krack C) were the highest scoring Dutch pair at the World Championships two weeks ago and also at national level they wield the axe of power. The flying changes are often the technical breaking point in the 6-year old class, but in the Pavo Cup riders are given the option to do a simple change or a flying change. Veeze and Imposantos chose not to risk it and rode the simple changes. The compact black got a total of 91.4 points from judges Frank Jespers and Veronique Roerink with 9 for walk and canter, 9.5 for trot, 9 for harmony and 9.2 for general impression.
The second and third place were surprisingly taken by horses that were not selected for Ermelo! Quinty Vossers and Inferno (by Everdale x Trento B) landed second with 88.4 points after scoring 8.5 for walk, 9 for trot, 8.8 for canter, 9 for harmony and 8.9 for general impression.
Wilma Salm and I'm Like Nobody Else BB (by Charmeur x Travolta's Nieuwmoed) moved into third place with 87.8 points. The bay mare got 8.2 for walk, 9 for trot, 8.7 for canter and 9 for harmony and general impression.
Photo © Digishots
Results - 2019 Pavo Cup Semi Finals
4-year olds (top 20 only)
Rider - Horse - Total ---- Walk trot canter harmony general impression
- 1. Charlotte Fry - Kjento (by Negro x Jazz) - 89,0 ----- 7,3 - 9,8 - 9,9 - 8,5 - 9,0
- 2. Marieke van der Putten - Keano (by Governor x Krack C) - 88,0 ----- 7,5 9,5 9,5 8,5 9,0
- 3. Emmelie Scholtens - Kevin Costner Texel (by Negro x Jazz) - 87,0 ----- 7,5 9,2 9,5 8,5 8,8
- 4. Nora van Houtem - Kenndale (by Everdale x Special D) - 86,0 ----- 8,5 8,5 8,8 8,5 8,7
- 5. Riccardo Sanavio - Taminiau (by Toto Jr x Sandro Hit) - 86,0 ----- 9,0 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5
- 6. Femke de Laat - King's Pleasure (by Dark Pleasure x Johnson) - 84,8 ----- 7,8 9,0 8,5 8,3 8,8
- 7. Jessica Lynn Thomas - Fonq (by Furst Fohlenhoff x Lissaro van de Helle) - 84,6 ----- 9,0 8,5 8,0 8,5 8,3
- 8. Martine van Vliet - Kensington (by Chagall x Don Primaire) - 83,6 ----- 8,5 8,0 8,8 8,0 8,5
- 8. Riccardo Sanavio - King Karim (by Toto Jr x Painted Black) - 83,6 ----- 8,0 8,8 8,5 8,0 8,5
- 10. Femke de Laat - Kind Pleasure (by Governor x Zack) - 83,4 ----- 7,7 8,7 8,5 8,0 8,8
- 11. Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard - Kardieno (by Dante Weltino x Parcival) - 83,0 ----- 8,0 8,7 8,5 8,0 8,3
- 12. Vai Bruntink - Kadym (by Ferdinand x Sorento) - 81,6 ----- 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,5 8,3
- 13. Diederik van Silfhout - Kingly Utopia (by Expression x Uphill) - 81,4 ----- 8,0 8,4 8,0 8,0 8,3
- 13. Thamar Zweistra - Kaygo (by Capri Sonne JR x Westpoint) - 81,4 ----- 8,0 8,2 8,2 8,0 8,3
- 15. Emmelie Scholtens - Koning (by Governor x Bretton Woods) - 81,0 ----- 7,0 9,0 8,2 8,0 8,3
- 16. Bart Veeze - Kyton (by Ferguson x Ferro) - 81,0 ----- 7,5 8,0 8,5 8,5 8,0
- 17. Jantine Slingerland - Kasjmir (by Ebony x Idocus) - 80,8 ----- 8,5 8,5 7,5 8,0 7,9
- 18. Veronique Roerink - Khaleesi (by Negro x Don Schufro) - 80,6 ----- 8,0 8,5 8,5 7,0 8,3
- 19. Kim Koolen - Koeka ter Selle (by For Romance x Don Crusador) - 80,6 ----- 8,8 8,5 7,5 7,5 8,0
- 20. Theo Hanzon - Dai Ko Myo TF (by Dante Weltino Rhodes Scholar) - 80,2 ----- 7,8 7,6 8,7 8,0 8,0
5-year olds (top 20 only)
Rider - Horse - Total ---- Walk trot canter harmony general impression
- 1. Marieke van der Putten - Jameson (by Zack x Negro) - 92,6 ---- 7,8 10,0 10,0 9,5 9,0
- 2. Renate van Vliet - Johnny Depp (by Bordeaux x Jazz) - 91,0 ---- 9,5 9,1 9,0 8,9 9,0
- 3. Emmelie Scholtens - Johnny Be Goode (by Dream Boy x Tietse D) - 90,2 ---- 8,9 9,0 9,3 8,9 9,0
- 4. Renate van Vliet - Just Wimphof (by De Niro x Riccione) - 85,6 ---- 9,0 8,8 8,2 8,2 8,6
- 5. Vai Bruntink - Jatilinda (by All At Once x Negro) - 84,0 ---- 7,4 9,0 8,6 8,5 8,5
- 6. Nicky Snijder - Jongleur STH (by Expression x Furst Heinrich) - 82,0 ---- 8,0 8,2 8,1 8,5 8,2
- 7. Kim Koolen - For Ferrero (by For Romance x Don Crusador) - 81,8 ---- 9,0 8,2 7,8 7,8 8,1
- 8. Kirsten Beckers - Jeniro (by Negro x De Niro) - 81,6 ---- 8,8 7,7 8,0 8,2 8,1
- 9. Marieke van der Putten - J'Ampere (by Ampere x Furst Romancier) - 80,4 ---- 7,5 8,3 8,2 7,9 8,3
- 10. Amarins Kuipers - Jay Jay (by Acheron x Samarant) - 80,4 ---- 8,0 8,2 8,0 8,0 8,0
- 11. Bart Veeze - Jevera (by Eye Catcher x OO Seven) - 80,2 ---- 7,7 8,0 8,2 8,2 8,0
- 12. Saskia van Es - Jaccardo (by Desperado x Jazz) - 80,0 ---- 8,0 8,4 7,6 8,0 8,0
- 13. Marijn van Dijk - Journalist - 80,0 ---- 8,0 8,0 8,2 7,8 8,0
- 14. Charlotte Fry - Jayson (by johnson x Negro) - 79,4 ---- 7,3 8,2 8,6 7,5 8,1
- 15. Emma van den Hooven - Jarlien (by Electron x Krack C) 79,4 ---- 7,8 8,0 7,9 8,0 8,0
- 16. Theo Hanzon - Johnny Cash (by Bon Bravour x Flemmingh) - 79,2 ---- 7,8 8,0 7,8 8,0 8,0
- 17. Stephanie Kooijman - Jackson W (by Vivaldi x Westpoint) - 78,8 ---- 7,5 8,1 7,8 8,0 8,0
- 18. Benjamin Maljaars - Jupiter (by Everdale x Negro) - 78,6 ---- 8,0 8,0 7,8 7,7 7,8
- 19. Robin Beekink - Jacky O (by Negro x Sandro hit) - 78,4 ---- 7,5 8,0 7,8 8,0 7,9
- 20. Margriet Hingstman - Jovanni B (by Davino VOD x Gribaldi) - 78,4 ---- 7,9 7,7 7,8 7,9 7,9
6-year olds (top 12 only)
Rider - Horse - Total ---- Walk trot canter harmony general impression
- 1. Bart Veeze - Imposantos (by Wynton x Krack C) - 91,4 ---- 9,0 9,5 9,0 9,0 9,2
- 2. Quinty Vossers - Inferno (by Everdale x Trento B) - 88,4 ---- 8,5 9,0 8,8 9,0 8,9
- 3. Wilma Salm - I'm Like Nobody Else PP (by Charmeur x Travolta's Nieuwmoed) - 87,8 ---- 8,2 9,0 8,7 9,0 9,0
- 4. Bart Veeze - Imagine (by Dream Boy x Jackson) - 87,0 ---- 8,5 9,2 8,5 8,5 8,8
- 5. Renate van Vliet - In Style (by Eye Catcher x Lorentin) - 85,2 ---- 8,5 8,8 8,5 8,3 8,5
- 6. Thalia Rockx - Inara (by De Niro x Rousseau) - 84,4 ---- 7,8 8,3 8,7 8,7 8,7
- 7. Marije de Lange - Inspiration PF (by Everdale x Calido) - 83,2 ---- 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,5 8,5
- 8. Yessin Rahmouni - Impress Taonga (by Vitalis x Hotline) - 82,0 ---- 7,5 8,5 8,5 8,2 8,3
- 9. Febe van Zwambagt - In Design (by Don Olymbrio x Metall) - 81,6 ---- 7,0 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,3
- 10. Nicky Snijder - Identity STH (by Charmeur x Furst Heinrich) - 80,6---- 7,8 8,5 7,8 8,0 8,2
- 11. Saskia van Es - Italo (by Furstenball x Houston) - 80,6 ---- 8,5 7,8 8,0 8,0 8,0
- 12. Margreet Prosman - Ivanhoe (by Desperado x Jazz) - 80,2 ---- 8,3 7,8 8,2 8,0 7,8
Related Links
Philipp Hess, Guest Judge Rider for the 2019 Pavo Cup Finals
Seven Stallions Entered for Licensing Trajectory via 2019 Pavo Cup