Every year in late January, the United States PRE (USPRE) Association hosts a week-long event, which focuses entirely on promoting the Spanish PRE breed within the United States.
Celebrating the PRE in Wellington
This year, USPRE Week will be held from 21 through 25 January 2020, in Wellington, Florida. Wellington has long been the epicenter for premiere international riding competitions and even earned the name “Equestrian Disneyland” for horse aficionados. USPRE proudly invites all members, as well as PRE lovers everywhere, to enjoy a world class program of activities related to these Spanish horses.
One of the most important events of the equestrian season will be the showcase of PRE horses. During the intermission, at the Friday Night Stars – Freestyle under the Lights at the Global Pavilion, we’ll be delighted by the world of Doma Vaquera with Francisco Miguel de Rooij joined by other performers. This event will have a number of unique moments with a variety of activities designed for the enjoyment of all PRE fans.
Distinguished Guests
There will also be Maria Lithander, head trainer and international rider for Hampton Green Farm; Kerrigan Gluch who represented the US in Europe 2017 as part of the Discover Dressage™ USEF Emerging Athlete Program for Dressage and a 2019 member of the U25 Grand Prix Nations Cup team for the US; as well as Amina Bursese, student of Olympic Rider Lisa Wilcox; and many more.
Schedule of Events
Tuesday afternoon, Charlotte Bredhal will hold a dressage seminar at Hampton Green Farm. A member welcome reception will take place at the International Polo Club that same evening.
Doina Fisher will hold a two-day Working Equitation Seminar. The seminar will be held at Hampton Green Farm on Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday evening at The Wanderers Club, the annual USPRE Member Dinner will take place. The 2020 Annual Awards for top members and breeders will be presented at that time. Tickets may be purchased through the USPRE website, www.usprea.com
USPRE Week will close on Saturday the 25th at the International Arena Global Dressage with a Working Equitation Exhibition by Doina Fisher, a Doma Vaquera Exhibition featuring Francisco Miguel de Rooij and Amina Burse will perform the last USPRE exhibition of the week with a beautiful dressage freestyle.
For more information visit www.usprea.com
Related Links
USPRE Week 2020: Schedule of Events