No rain this morning, so Ulf Möller's prayers might have worked. Today, all riders are allowed to train in the main arena and every nation got twenty minutes to do their thing.
I arrive at the show grounds at 8.00 and see Kyra Kyrklund and other individual riders school their horses. The show grounds look even busier than ever. Entire teams are riding in the two warm up rings, preparing for their go in the championship ring and lorries drive back and forth to finish the trade fair. The tables at press center is nicely decorated with white table cloths and lavender bushes. It seems like leprachauns have been busy during the night, because the build up of the show has almost finished overnight.
At 2.00 o' clock, the vet inspection started. The horses of the teams were presented Iin alphabetical order of the nations. Four horses did not pass the jog and will be reinspected tomorrow morning at 9.00. Bad luck for Kristian von Krusenstierna (Wilson), Elena Sidneva (Artax Condor), Iryna Lys (Problesk) and Marcela Krinke Susmelj (Fibrin). They get another chance to early tomorrow before the Grand Prix starts.
Some photos from the training session and vet inspection in the image gallery below