British 2010 WEG Team bronze medallist Fiona Bigwood has returned home after a four day stay in the hospital. On Saturday 26 April she fell off her horse in a freak accident and sustained major concussion to her head.
"Fiona is back home this evening (Tuesday) from the hospital," said Fiona's fiancé Anders Dahl. "The eye specialist says it can take up to 18 months for her vision to return to normal. Her left leg is still uncomfortable but the kids are very pleased to have her home and was lovely to see Fiona smile when she saw them."
Bigwood was schooling her Grand Prix horse Sir Donato at the Keysoe premier leagie competition last Saturday when she fell off in a freak accident. She was transported to Bedford Hospital, from which she was released later that day.
Her condition deteriorated though and we was taken to Brighton Hospital where they checked her double vision.
Photo © Silke Rottermann
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