Bonfire Heart became the price highlight of the 2014 Brightwells Auction of young dressage and show jumping horses at Addington Manor on 6 December 2014. The 4-year old chestnut gelding (by Bonifatius x Don Gregory) sold for £47,000.
The 2014 Brightwells December Elite Auction produced the highest turnover ever for an Addington sale with a total of £647,900 for 53 horses sold. The average price for a horse was £12,224.
Nineteen dressage bred horses were sold of the 22 offered. The average price for a dressage horse was £16,158.
The second most expensive horse was the 4-year old Oldenburg bred licensed stallion Blue Hors Rudisha (by Romanov x Donnerhall), which switched owners of £45,000.
The strapping 4-year old tobino stallion Livingstone (by Lissaro x Fidermark) sold for £38,000.
The 4-year old gelding Fannini (by Finito x De Niro) achieved a knock down price of £35,000 but didn't meet the reserve. The 3-year old mare Convince Me (by Conteur x Wolkentanz) switched owners for £33,000.