5-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Danzberg, Kessler, Vietor
- 1. Julia de Ridder - Faridero - 8.44 (Germany)
- 2. Maike Mende - Feine Liebe - 8.08 (Germany)
- 3 Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel - Chichi FH - 7.66 (Germany)
- 4. Katrien Verreet - Souza - 7.64 (Belgium)
- 5. Jana Kun - Dalmora - 7.1 (Germany)
- 5. Maria Gress - Sunset Boulevard - 7.1 (Ukraine)
5-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Danzberg, Vietor, Lang
- 1. Julia de Ridder - Faridero - 85.4 (Germany)
- 2. Maike Mende - Feine Liebe - 82.0 (Germany)
- 3 Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel - Chichi FH - 78.6 (Germany)
- 4. Katrien Verreet - Souza - 7.8 (Belgium)
- 5. Maria Gress - Sunset Boulevard - 73.8 (Ukraine)
- Jana Kun - Dalmora - DNS (Germany)
6-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Danzberg, Kessler, Vietor
- 1. Ricarda Mombach - Magic Rock A - 84.800% (Germany)
- 2. Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel - Smarcie FH - 80.000% (Germany)
- 3. Giulia Gasztecki - Deine Freude - 73.500% (Germany)
- 4. Rebecca Heck - Bourbon Dream K - 72.800% (Germany)
- 5. Cecilia Bergåkra - Mafioso - 71.400% (Sweden)
6-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Danzberg, Vietor, Lang
- 1. Ricarda Mombach - Magic Rock A - 88.000% (Germany)
- 2. Giulia Gasztecki - Deine Freude - 78.00% (Germany)
- 3. Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel - Smarcie FH - 76.400% (Germany)
- 4. Rebecca Heck - Bourbon Dream K - 74.600% (Germany)
- 5. Cecilia Bergåkra - Mafioso - 74.400% (Sweden)
7-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Danzberg, Kessler, Vietor
- 1. Julia de Ridder - Diamantinos - 75.061% (Germany)
- 2. Stefan Hollanders - Little John da Silica - 70.604% (Belgium)
7-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Danzberg, Vietor, Lang
- 1. Julia de Ridder - Diamantinos - 77.629% (Germany)
- 2. Stefan Hollanders - Little John da Silica - 71.600% (Belgium)
Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Matthiesen, Kessler, Saleh
- 1. Maximilia Osterhoff - Mr. Handsome 4 - 71.762 (Germany)
- 2. Hanna Sofie Clauberg - Dacapo B 4 - 71.571 (Germany)
- 3. Mia Steinbusch - Nk Cyrill - 70.572 (Germany)
- 4. Finnja Rathert - Caramel St - 70.428 (Germany)
- 5. Agata Zakhrabekova - Rm Golden Showman - 70.19 (Azerbaijan)
- 6. Sissi Gijsen - New Star 8 - 69.905 (Holland)
- 7. Jil Kögler - Kastanienhof Crimson Gold - 69.238 (Germany)
- 8. Sofia Rosenkilde - Dsp Cosmo Royale - 69.0 (Denmark)
- 8. Leni-Sophie Gosmann - Diamantini Ea We - 69.0 (Germany)
- 10. Esmae Niessen - Strandgaards Do It My Way - 68.905 (Holland)
- 10. Wilma Holmgren - Casino Royale K We - 68.905 (Sweden)
- 12. Britt Kikkert-Van Der Linde - Nur Fuer Dich - 68.857 (Holland)
- 13. Pauline Kesting - Praest's Cameo - 68.762 (Germany)
- 14. Wilma Holmgren - Hb Dancing Daylight - 68.476 (Sweden)
- 15. Vida Nordling Pettersson - Dreimalhoch S - 68.334 (Sweden)
- 16. Maximilia Osterhoff - Sisters Dream - 67.715 (Germany)
- 17. Feline Niessen - Diamond Blue - 67.619 (Holland)
- 18. Brecht Lunenburg - Million Dollar Girl - 66.286 (Holland)
- 19. Féline Verreet - De Booij - Pav Nikkei - 65.905 (Belgium)
- 20. Maddy Dijkshoorn - Hojvejs Casmir - 65.19 (Holland)
- 21. Annabell Van Der Horst - Sunny Boy - 65.048 (Holland)
- 22. Anne-Rose Maes - Icoon - 64.857 (Holland)
- 23. Feline Niessen - Doppio Passo - 64.286 (Holland)
- 24. Myrthe Van Der Weele - My Fair Lady 'D' Prinsenhof's - 60.905 (Holland)
Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Nicole Nockemann, Ilja Vietor, Mura Love
- 1. Maximilia Osterhoff - Mr. Handsome 4 - 70.315 (Germany)
- 2. Pauline Kesting - Praest's Cameo - 70.045 (Germany)
- 3. Jil Kögler - Kastanienhof Crimson Gold - 69.64 (Germany)
- 4. Agata Zakhrabekova - Rm Golden Showman - 69.505 (Azerbaijan)
- 5. Leni-Sophie Gosmann - Diamantini Ea We - 69.189 (Germany)
- 6. Britt Kikkert-Van Der Linde - Nur Fuer Dich - 69.144 (Holland)
- 6. Sissi Gijsen - New Star 8 - 69.144 (Holland)
- 8. Mia Steinbusch - Nk Cyrill - 68.874 (Germany)
- 9. Feline Niessen - Diamond Blue - 68.063 (Holland)
- 10. Wilma Holmgren - Casino Royale K We - 67.478 (Sweden)
- 11. Sofia Rosenkilde - Dsp Cosmo Royale - 67.387 (Denmark)
- 12. Vida Nordling Pettersson - Dreimalhoch S - 67.162 (Sweden)
- 13. Esmae Niessen - Strandgaards Do It My Way - 66.752 (Holland)
- 14. Feline Niessen - Doppio Passo - 66.261 (Holland)
- 15. Annabell Van Der Horst - Sunny Boy - 66.081 (Holland)
- 16. Wilma Holmgren - Hb Dancing Daylight - 65.541 (Sweden)
- 17. Maximilia Osterhoff - Sisters Dream - 65.45 (Germany)
- 18. Féline Verreet - De Booij - Pav Nikkei - 65.045 (Belgium)
- 19. Maddy Dijkshoorn - Hojvejs Casmir - 64.64 (Holland)
- 20. Anne-Rose Maes - Icoon - 64.455 (Holland)
- 21. Brecht Lunenburg - Million Dollar Girl - 64.369 (Holland)
- 22. Finnja Rathert - Caramel St - 63.689 (Germany)
- 23. Myrthe Van Der Weele - My Fair Lady 'D' Prinsenhof's - 62.568 (Holland)
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Danzberg, Kessler, Trimborn, Matthiesen, Lang
- 1. Agata Zakhrabekova - Rm Golden Showman - 74.98 (Azerbaijan)
- 2. Sissi Gijsen - New Star 8 - 73.175 (Holland)
- 3. Mia Steinbusch - Nk Cyrill - 72.85 (Germany)
- 4. Feline Niessen - Diamond Blue - 72.415 (Holland)
- 5. Sofia Rosenkilde - Dsp Cosmo Royale - 72.31 (Denmark)
- 6. Esmae Niessen - Strandgaards Do It My Way - 72.155 (Holland)
- 7. Vida Nordling Pettersson - Dreimalhoch S - 72.055 (Sweden)
- 8. Britt Kikkert-Van Der Linde - Nur Fuer Dich - 71.725 (Holland)
- 9. Maximilia Osterhoff - Mr. Handsome 4 - 71.675 (Germany)
- 10. Pauline Kesting - Praest's Cameo - 71.375 (Germany)
- 11. Wilma Holmgren - Casino Royale K We - 71.225 (Sweden)
- 12. Annabell Van Der Horst - Sunny Boy - 70.735 (Holland)
- 13. Jil Kögler - Kastanienhof Crimson Gold - 69.99 (Germany)
- 14. Maddy Dijkshoorn - Hojvejs Casmir - 68.96 (Holland)
- 15. Leni-Sophie Gosmann - Diamantini Ea We - 68.6 (Germany)
- 16. Anne-Rose Maes - Icoon - 66.625 (Holland)
- 17. Brecht Lunenburg - Million Dollar Girl - 61.175 (Holland)
Children - Preliminary Test
Judges: Kessler, Trimborn, Love
- 1. Leni Sophie Gosmann - Golden Girl - 78.929 (Germany)
- 2. Lynn Greven - Falcon HP - 74.625 (Germany)
- 3. Feline Verreet De Booij - Liviah Diar - 72.822 (Belgium)
- 4. Britt Kikkert van der der Linde - Mid Knight Texel - 72.804 (Holland
- Victoria Winkmann - Black or White Bordeaux - ELI (Germany)
Children - Team Championship Test
Judges: Love, Holler, trimborn
- 1. Feline Verreet De Booij - Liviah Diar - 78.825 (Belgium)
- 2. Victoria Winkmann - Black or White Bordeaux - 71.650 (Germany)
- 3. Britt Kikkert van der der Linde - Mid Knight Texel - 70.750 (Holland)
- Leni Sophie Gosmann - Golden Girl - DNS (Germany)
- Lynn Greven - Falcon HP - DNS (Germany)
Children - Individual Test
Judges: Danzberg, Vietor, Kessler
- 1. Victoria Winkmann - Black of White Bordeaux - 68.917 (Germany)
- 2. Britt Kikkert van der der Linde - Mid Knight Texel - 67.607(Holland)
- 3. Feline Verreet De Booij - Liviah Diar - 61.533 (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Peter Holler, Sandrine Trimborn, Mura Love, Thomas Lang, Nicole Nockemann
- 1. Pauline Kesting - Fifth Avenue - 68.212 (Germany)
- 2. Theresa Rosenkilde - Blue Hors Zwobber - 68.091 (Denmark)
- 3. Eline Van Praet - Diamina La Crus - 66.606 (Belgium)
- 4. Jamie Van Egdom - Jeweldale Ritme - 66.0 (Holland)
- 5. Jamie Van Egdom - Dancing Soulmate - 65.485 (Holland)
- 6. Skye Plasman - Karaat - 64.364 (Holland)
- 7. Fanni Sofie Olkkonen - Tantoni Quickstep - 63.242 (Finland)
- 8. Max Van Durme - Imke Niki V.S - 62.606 (Belgium)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Ilja Vietor, Sandrine Trimborn, Peter Holler
- 1. Pauline Kesting - Fifth Avenue - 71.667 (Germany)
- 2. Theresa Rosenkilde - Blue Hors Zwobber - 69.608 (Denmark)
- 3. Max Van Durme - Imke Niki V.S - 67.941 (Belgium)
- 4. Jamie Van Egdom - Jeweldale Ritme - 67.5 (Holland)
- 5. Eline Van Praet - Diamina La Crus - 66.618 (Belgium)
- 6. Jamie Van Egdom - Dancing Soulmate - 66.275 (Holland)
- 7. Skye Plasman - Karaat - 65.882 (Holland)
- 8. Fanni Sofie Olkkonen - Tantoni Quickstep - 65.637 (Finland)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Knut Danzberg, Ilja Vietor, Thomas Lang, Thomas Kessler, Mura Love
- 1. Theresa Rosenkilde - Blue Hors Zwobber - 71.785 (Denmark)
- 2. Eline Van Praet - Diamina La Crus - 68.8 (Belgium)
- 3. Skye Plasman - Karaat - 67.86 (Holland)
- 4. Max Van Durme - Imke Niki V.S - 67.785 (Belgium)
- 5. Jamie Van Egdom - Jeweldale Ritme - 67.215 (Holland)
- 6. Fanni Sofie Olkkonen - Tantoni Quickstep - 66.94 (Finland)
- 7. Pauline Kesting - Fifth Avenue - 65.75 (Germany)
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Peter Holler, Mura Love, Nicole Nockemann, Thomas Lang, Ilja Vietor
- 1. Chiel Van Bedaf - Key-West Texel - 70.088 (Holland)
- 2. Laura Elisabeth Kjær Rohmann - Zugar Ray - 69.353 (Denmark)
- 3. Amanda Lindholm - Tiramisu - 68.971 (Sweden)
- 4. Margaretha Rosenkilde - Tiger G - 68.383 (Denmark)
- 5. Ava Krause - Geronimo - 68.029 (Holland)
- 6. Siri Ehrnrooth - Black Sense E - 66.912 (Sweden)
- 7. Louise Brantefjord - Grey Galaxy 3 - 65.265 (Sweden)
- 8. Julie Sutherland - Bailamos Biolley - 64.853 (Belgium)
- 9. Isa Van Der Arend - Aventador - 64.206 (Holland)
- 10. Elisabeth Cecilie Bonefeld-Dahl - Don Furioso - 62.118 (Denmark)
- 11. Fanni Sofie Olkkonen - Akitros S - 61.765 (Finland)
- 12. Lena Rex - Diamond Donaldo D - 57.118 (Germany)
- Laura-Franziska Riegel - Caty OLD - RET (Germany)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Peter Holler, Sandrine Trimborn, Mura Love
- 1. Chiel Van Bedaf - Key-West Texel - 70.196 (Holland)
- 2. Siri Ehrnrooth - Black Sense E - 68.775 (Sweden)
- 3. Margaretha Rosenkilde - Tiger G - 68.432 (Denmark)
- 4. Laura Elisabeth Kjær Rohmann - Zugar Ray - 68.432 (Denmark)
- 5. Ava Krause - Geronimo - 68.285 (Holland)
- 6. Julie Sutherland - Bailamos Biolley - 67.549 (Belgium)
- 6. Amanda Lindholm - Tiramisu - 67.549 (Sweden)
- 8. Laura-Franziska Riegel - Caty OLD - 66.422 (Germany)
- 9. Louise Brantefjord - Grey Galaxy 3 - 66.324 (Sweden)
- 10. Isa Van Der Arend - Aventador - 65.147 (Holland)
- 10. Lena Rex - Diamond Donaldo D - 65.147 (Germany)
- 12. Elisabeth Cecilie Bonefeld-Dahl - Don Furioso - 63.588 (Denmark)
- 13. Fanni Sofie Olkkonen - Akitros S - 61.274 (Finland)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Love, Nockemann, Trimborn
- 1. Amanda Lindholm - Tiramisu - 73.35 (Sweden)
- 2. Chiel Van Bedaf - Key-West Texel - 72.658 (Holland)
- 3. Laura-Franziska Riegel - Caty OLD - 72.233 (Germany)
- 4. Siri Ehrnrooth - Black Sense E - 71.667 (Sweden)
- 5. Julie Sutherland - Bailamos Biolley - 71.008 (Belgium)
- 6. Margaretha Rosenkilde - Tiger G - 70.692 (Denmark)
- 7. Ava Krause - Geronimo - 70.417 (Holland)
- 8. Lena Rex - Diamond Donaldo D - 69.108 (Germany)
- 9. Louise Brantefjord - Grey Galaxy 3 - 67.283 (Sweden)
- 10. Laura Elisabeth Kjær Rohmann - Zugar Ray - 66.467 (Denmark)
- 11. Elisabeth Cecilie Bonefeld-Dahl - Don Furioso - 66.117 (Denmark)
- 12. Fanni Sofie Olkkonen - Akitros S - 64.983 (Finland)
Amateurs - Prix St Georges
Judges: Love, Trimborn, Nockemann
- 1. Jan Holger Holtschmit - Don Doppio - 66.422 (Germany)
- 2. Mako Franz - Jewel W - 66.324 (Japan)
- 3. Rebecca Heck - Chadwick - 66.275 (Germany)
- 4. Patricia Borst - Quirina - 64.657 (Germany)
Amateurs - Intermediaire I
Judges: Mura Love, Peter Holler, Nicole Nockemann
- 1. Rebecca Heck - Chadwick 8 - 68.431 (Germany)
- 2. Jan Holger Holtschmit - Don Doppio - 65.147 (Germany)
- 3. Patricia Borst - Quirina 22 - 60.5 (Germany)
Prix St Georges
Judges: Saleh, Kessler, Vietor
- 1. Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel - Farlana FH - 72.157% (Germany)
- 2. Marion Wiebusch - Von Herzen FH - 70.882% (Germany)
- 3. Laura-Franziska Riegel - Dior - 70.196% (Germany)
- 4. Holly Moorman - Very Special - 67.598% (New Zealand)
- 5. Maike Mende - Da Vincerico - 67.010% (Germany)
- 6. Dominique Van Der Horst - Kenzo G - 66.961% (Holland)
- 7. Jana Kun - Dalwhinnie - 66.863% (Germany)
- 8. Stefan Hollanders - Loriston - 66.716% (Belgium)
- 9. Jana Kun - Famous Newry - 66.324% (Germany)
- 10. Romy Bemelmans - Haisai - 64.020% (Holland)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Knut Danzberg, Hans-Christian Matthiesen, Raphaël Saleh, Nicole Nockemann, Sandrine Trimborn
- 1. Laura-Franziska Riegel - Dior 168 - 69.882 (Germany)
- 2. Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel - Zinq Farlana Fh - 68.177 (Germany)
- 3. Jana Kun - Dalwhinnie 18 - 67.147 (Germany)
- 4. Romy Bemelmans - Haisai - 65.971 (Holland)
- 5. Holly Moorman - Very Special 2 - 65.618 (New Zealand)
- 6. Stefan Hollanders - Loriston - 65.588 (Belgium)
- 7. Marion Wiebusch - Von Herzen Fh - 65.529 (Germany)
- 8. Dominique Van Der Horst - Kenzo G - 65.294 (Holland)
Amateurs - Intermediaire A
Judges: Sandrine Trimborn, Ilja Vietor, Nicole Nockemann
- 1. Madlin Zott - FBW Quadrofina P - 69.265 (Germany)
- 2. Anja Maria Moa - Stenkjers Fortuna - 68.088 (Denmark)
- 3. Claudia Weskamp-Effertz - Sir Sasse - 67.108 (Germany)
- 4. Maike Schreiner - Vom Feinsten 10 - 66.961 (Germany)
- 5. Dorte Pack - Esteban 23 - 66.52 (Germany)
- 6. Dorit Zwosta - Cold Play G - 66.029 (Germany)
- 7. Annemieke Van Der Horst - Meeus - Guinness V/D Wolfshoeve - 64.412 (Holland)
Amateurs - Intermediaire B
Judges: Mura Love, Peter Holler, Nicole Nockemann
- 1. Madlin Zott - FBW Quadrofina P - 68.108 (Germany)
- 2. Claudia Weskamp-Effertz - Sir Sasse - 67.973 (Germany)
- 3. Dorit Zwosta - Cold Play G - 66.261 (Germany)
- 4. Dorte Pack - Esteban 23 - 66.261 (Germany)
- 5. Anja Maria Moa - Stenkjers Fortuna - 65.676 (Denmark)
- 6. Maike Schreiner - Vom Feinsten 10 - 65.225 (Germany)
- 7. Annemieke Van Der Horst - Meeus - Guinness V/D Wolfshoeve - 59.73 (Holland)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Matthiesen, Kessler, Vietor, Saleh, Danzberg
- 1. Ekaterina Dubrovina - De Vivo - 65.308 (Armenia)
- 2. Emma Lienert - Dutchman - 64.128 (Germany)
- 3. Cecilia Bergakra - My Friend - 62.436% (Sweden)
Under 25 - Kur to Music
Judges: Trimborn, Vietor, Saleh, Nockemann, Holler
- 1. Ekaterina Dubrovina - De Vivo - 70.705 (Armenia)
- 2. Emma Lienert - Dutchman - 69.385 (Germany)
- 3. Cecilia Bergakra - My Friend - 68.030% (Sweden)
Grand Prix
Judges: Knut Danzberg, Thomas Lang, Raphaël Saleh, Thomas Kessler, Hans-Christian Matthiesen
- 1. Isabell Werth - Superb 2 - 72.978 (Germany)
- 2. Anabel Balkenhol - High Five FRH - 71.435 (Germany)
- 3. Juliette Ramel - Gideon K.H. - 70.0 (Sweden)
- 4. Ryan Torkkeli - Sternenwanderer - 69.522 (Canada)
- 5. Isabell Werth - Deneuve 12 - 68.717 (Germany)
- 6. Mathilde Merethe Klaesson - Sandbaeks Rio El - 68.5 (Norway)
- 7. António Do Vale - Fine Fellow - H - 68.304 (Portugal)
- 8. Amandine Prevost - Quaterdance - 68.109 (Belgium)
- 9. Laurens Vanderbeeken - Gamin Van Het Waterhof - 68.021 (Belgium)
- 10. William Matthew - Freischuetz - 67.87 (Australia)
- 11. Cecilia Bergåkra - Izack - 66.282 (Sweden)
- 12. Karen Pavicic - Totem - 64.957 (Croatia)
- 13. Peter De Mulder - Indian Summer - 64.935 (Belgium)
- 14. Katrien Verreet - Oblix Van De Kempenhoeve - 64.522 (Belgium)
- 15. Carolina Cordoba Wolf - Isabella - 63.804 (Mexico)
- 16. Joyce Van Schaick - Glendale - 63.782 (Holland)
- 17. Jitendarjit Singh Ahluwalia - Magnanimous - 63.478 (India)
- 18. Kiichi Harada - Impression - 62.217 (Japan)
- 19. Pedro Manuel Tavares De Almeida - Hot Hit OLD Campline - 61.978 (Brazil)
- 20. Nina Karlsson - Strandagergards Danoir - 61.935 (Sweden)
- 21. Christian Reisch - Qattani FRH - 61.739 (Austria)
- 22. Dominique Van Der Horst - Dancing Boy - 61.609 (Holland)
- 23. Christiane Van Rulo-Schaurte - Go-On - 60.37 (xxx BIH xxx)
- 24. Akiko Yonemoto - Aaron - 59.391 (Japan)
- 25. Suphakamol Vuntanadit - Quadroneur - 58.609 (Thailand)
- 26. Suphakamol Vuntanadit - Dreamboat Bcn - 56.609 (Thailand)
- Suphajit Vuntanadit - Wall Street Jv - RET (Thailand)
- Pedro Manuel Tavares De Almeida - Hermes - ELI (Brazil)
- Ainhoa Prada Ortiz - Geronimo - RET (Spain)
Grand Prix Special
Judges: Saleh, Lang, Matthiesen, Holler, Nockemann
- 1. Anabel Balkenhol - High Five FRH - 71.957 (Germany)
- 2. António Do Vale - Fine Fellow - H - 69.936 (Portugal)
- 3. Juliette Ramel - Gideon K.H. - 69.426 (Sweden)
- 4. Amandine Prevost - Quaterdance - 69.149 (Belgium)
- 5. Isabell Werth - Superb 2 - 69.085 (Germany)
- 6. Ryan Torkkeli - Sternenwanderer - 69.043 (Canada)
- 7. Karen Pavicic - Totem - 68.49 (Croatia)
- 8. Mathilde Merethe Klaesson - Sandbaeks Rio El - 67.915 (Norway)
- 9. Laurens Vanderbeeken - Gamin Van Het Waterhof - 67.319 (Belgium)
- 10. Carolina Cordoba Wolf - Isabella - 67.234 (Mexico)
- 11. William Matthew - Freischuetz - 66.851 (Australia)
- 12. Peter De Mulder - Indian Summer - 65.064 (Belgium)
- 13. Katrien Verreet - Oblix Van De Kempenhoeve - 64.511 (Belgium)
- 14. Cecilia Bergåkra - Izack - 61.723 (Sweden)
- 15. Joyce Van Schaick - Glendale - 59.319 (Holland)