Alexa Fairchild Tapped by BOIC for Design of Belgian Delegation Outfits for 2024 Paris Olympics

Fri, 12/08/2023 - 15:04
Alexa Fairchild designed the Team Belgium delegation wear for the 2024 Paris Olympics

Alexa Fairchild, a Belgian international Grand Prix rider and the Belgian 2021 Olympic team reserve, has been tapped by the Belgian Olympic Committee (BOIC) to design the Team Belgium delegation outfits for the 2024 Paris Olympics. 

Team Belgium Gear Designed by Fairchild

The collection was officially presented during grand gala show "Lotto Catwalk to Paris" in the Skyhall at Zaventem airport on Thursday night 7 December 2023. 

Team Belgium and Paralympic Team Belgium will be dressed in Paris by fashion partners Caroline Biss, Café Costume and Ambiorix for official events,. Brands Peak and Woody made the clothes for the Olympic village and while travelling. Samsonite provides the suitcases.

The design of the Embrace graphic and the official Belgian team delegation sportswear outfits is by design partner Alexa Fairchild, after having won the pitch based on the strength of the Embrace storyline and its impactful rendering on the garments.

Fairchild - Where Dreamers Become Doers

Fairchild, formerly known as Alexa Fairchild, is a family-run fashion brand, which will re-launch in the second half of 2024. The brand follows the vision of Alexa Fairchild, the 2021 Belgian Olympic team reserve dressage rider who merges her lifelong passions of horses and fashion.

Alexa and Natasha Fairchild working on the design
(Photo © Lucie Dubuis)
From a young age, Alexa's obsession with both fashion and horses has shaped her creative journey. Drawing inspiration from the sleek lines of minimalistic design and equestrian heritage, Fairchild set out to create a brand that seamlessly fuses these elements into a captivating collection.

At the heart of Fairchild lies a powerful mission: to inspire individuals to chase their dreams. Their purpose is: Where Dreamers Become Doers. As a dreamer herself, Alexa experienced her first taste of accomplishment when she achieved her ultimate goal of participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics as a dressage rider. Though fate kept her as a team reserve, her spirit was ignited, fuelling her desire to reach for even bigger dreams. Through Fairchild, she aspires to inspire others, showing them that anything is within their grasp.

Belgium Olympic Team reserve in Tokyo
(Photo © Astrid Appels)
"Fairchild is more than an equestrian tailored sportswear brand, it is a testament to the power of perseverance, courage, and unwavering ambition," said Alexa. "With each curated tailored-sportswear, the brand aims to empower individuals to reach beyond their limits and embrace their true potential. As you experience the world of Fairchild, prepare to embark on a transformative journey where fashion meets aspiration, and where dreams have no boundaries."

Fairchild and Team Belgium

It was in the context of picking up her Tokyo 2020 Team Belgian equipment, that Alexa mentioned her fashion brand to the BOIC team member. Precisely because Alexa made some comments about that equipment, she was later invited to pitch her idea for the Team Belgium gear for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

The Embrace as core of the collection
(Photo © Lars Crommelinck)
Together with the other family members and business colleagues in Italy, Fairchild elaborated the Embrace concept which was based on the “Unity is Strength” motto at the heart of the Belgium emblem. It conveys connection, support and solidarity. Together We Are Team Belgium.

"In creating the embrace, we decided Union must become our most valuable asset," said Alexa. "Our national motto says it, "Unity is Strength". This applies not only to Belgium but to the world. What symbol fully embodies this message? What is stronger than the embrace of two athletes at the end of the race, the embrace that celebrates triumph, but also the embrace that comforts defeat? The Embrace is the symbol of connection."

Alexa continues, "our graphic depicts the two arms in the colours of our flag, holding each other in an embrace. The color yellow stands for light, the strength generated by union, but, above all, it symbolizes the will: the most important element for excelling in sports. In our graphic, these two arms stretch out and wrap around the athlete and support them, making them feel a part of one thing: our Nation. We are Team Belgium."


Video © Natasha Fairchild

The Team Belgium gear designed by Fairchild can be bought in the BOIC shop.

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Photos © Lars Crommelinck