In order to stay in line with the huge development of Grand Prix dressage sport for Under 25 riders, the Dutch Equestrian Federation (KNHS) has decided to change their U25 concept of the "Future Team" to "Under 25 Team."
As of 1 January 2013 the KNHS will start with an U25 Team. Riders have to score at least 65% three times in an Uder 25 Grand Prix test within a 6 month period in order to be submitted to the team. They need to achieve this score at national selection trials, in the Rabo U25 Cup or in CDI-U25 classes.
In agreement with sponsor Rabobank, the Rabo Future Cup has been renamed Rabo U25 Cup to follow the international trend. Riders up to 25 years of age can participate in this Dutch show circuit.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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