7-year olds - preliminary test
- 1 Soratie Mikaela - Legend Dynamite - 73,883
- 2 Judet Cheret Camille - Fetiche De Hus - 70,386
- 3 Oliva Lazaro Alejandro - Mr President Sth - 70,350
- 4 Blatzheim Lukas - Ben Benito - 66,564
- 5 Oliva Lazaro Alejandro - Quarzo - ELI
Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
- 1. Sisters Dream - Maximilia Osterhoff - 71.905 %
- 2. George Clooney B.s -Abigail Gray -71.143 %
- 3. N-constantino V/d Bolkerhoeve - Olesia Volkovetska - 69.762 %
- 4. Matteo - Helena Theeuwes - 69.548 %
- 5. Follow Me Fast - Olesia Volkovetska - 69.476 %
- 6. Dante B - Noemie Haxaire - 69.238 %
- 7. Steendieks Cadillac - Sofia Games - 69.143 %
- 8. Dazzling Kid D'herbord - Timothe Viaud - 64.905 %
- 9. Miami - Eva Sanchez - 64.857 %
- 10. Vinkenhove Xander - Charlotte Pons - 63.857 %
- 11. Glasgow Du Pommeret - Nohe Vincent - 63.619 %
- 12. Dunia - Celestine Delrieu - 62.762 %
- Mr. Handsome - Maximilia Osterhoff - RET
Pony Riders - Individual Test
- 1. George Clooney B.s - Abigail Gray - 71.937 %
- 2. N-constantino V/d Bolkerhoeve - Olesia Volkovetska - 71.847 %
- 3. Matteo - Helena Theeuwes - 71.802 %
- 4. Sisters Dream - Maximilia Osterhoff - 71.441 %
- 5. Dazzling Kid D'herbord - Timothe Viaud - 70.721 %
- 6. Follow Me Fast - Olesia Volkovetska - 70.630 %
- 7. Dante B - Noemie Haxaire - 67.477 %
- 8. Miami - Eva Sanchez - 67.117 %
- 9. Vinkenhove Xander - Charlotte Pons - 65.315 %
- 10. Dunia - Celestine Delrieu - 65.045 %
- 11. Glasgow Du Pommeret - Nohe Vincent - 60.811 %
- Mr. Handsome - Maximilia Osterhoff - RET
- Steendieks Cadillac Sofia Games - DNS
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
- 1.
Children - Preliminary Test
- 1 Couturier Marin Diamantina - 59,215
Children - Team Championship Test
- 1. Couturier Marin - Diamantina - 71,100
Children - Individual Test
- 1.
Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
- 1. Jarina Des Vallees - Anna Dupuy Pelardy - 71.818 %
- 2. Legend Dancarino - Lou Eden Commenge - 70.505 %
- 3. Nibeley Union Hit - Myles Graham - 69.950 %
- 4. Quincy Jones Du Soleil - Lucie Planchet - 69.849 %
- 5. Hastrade K - Tooske Van Der Ven - 68.636 %
- 6. Quickly Des Paluds - Paola Callet - 67.727 %
- 7. Gauguin Montroyer - Claire Wald - 65.151 %
- 8. Bentley - Charlotte Macken - 63.333 %
- 9. Love Story De Massa - Stella Briand - 63.182 %
- 10. Feuerglanz - Clara Demarez - 60.202 %
- 11. Wikingo De Mile - Camille Grosjean - 59.798 %
Junior Riders - Individual Test
- 1. Nibeley Union Hit - Myles Graham - 71.961 %
- 2. Legend Dancarino - Lou Eden Commenge - 71.029 %
- 3. Jarina Des Vallees - Anna Dupuy Pelardy - 69.804 %
- 4. Hastrade K - Tooske Van Der Ven - 69.069 %
- 5. Quincy Jones Du Soleil - Lucie Planchet - 67.892 %
- 6. Quickly Des Paluds - Paola Callet - 66.912 %
- 7. Wikingo De Mile - Camille Grosjean - 65.774 %
- 8. Gauguin Montroyer - Claire Wald - 65.098 %
- 9. Feuerglanz - Clara Demarez - 63.187 %
- 10. Bentley - Charlotte Macken - 60.784 %
- 11. Love Story De Massa - Stella Briand - 60.392 %
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
- 1. Jarina Des Vallees - Anna Dupuy Pelardy - 76.300 %
- 2. Nibeley Union Hit - Myles Graham - 74.975 %
- 3. Legend Dancarino - Lou Eden Commenge - 74.325 %
- 4. Quincy Jones Du Soleil - Lucie Planchet - 73.659 %
- 5. Hastrade K - Tooske Van Der Ven - 70.008 %
- 6. Love Story De Massa - Stella Briand - 67.567 %
- 7. Wikingo De Mile - Camille Grosjean - 66.317 %
- 8. Feuerglanz - Clara Demarez - 66.159 %
- 9. Quickly Des Paluds - Paola Callet - 64.200 %
- Gauguin Montroyer - Claire Wald - ELI
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Goncalves, Prain, Campos
- 1. Farlana - Lucie-anouk Baumgürtel - 72.843 %
- 2. Ferati - Lucie-anouk Baumgürtel - 71.373 %
- 3. Doruto - Alexandre Cheret - 69.412 %
- 4. Hexagon's La Caprinomana - Tessa Kole - 69.265 %
- 5. Borderline - Emeline Schevingt - 68.873 %
- 6. Skate Moss - Emeline Schevingt - 67.745 %
- 7. Let It Go T - Pablo Garcia Cobos - 66.961 %
- 8. Fuerst Ferdinand Ad - Iulia Caba - 65.735 %
- 9. Vivaldi De Maziere - Anne Louise Bertagne - 65.637 %
- 10. Lacoste - Maud Hebras - 65.294 %
- 11. Sir Sandro - Jade Paillousse - 64.902 %
- 12. Jillzella - Rita Laura Nagy - 64.657 %
- 13. Diceppu De Pernice - Isoline De La Burgade - 64.216 %
- 14. Johnny Walker - Eglantine Faussat - 60.539 %
Young Riders - Individual Test
- 1. Doruto - Alexandre Cheret - 69.853 %
- 2. Hexagon's La Caprinomana - Tessa Kole - 69.265 %
- 3. Farlana - Lucie-anouk Baumgürtel - 68.873 %
- 4. Borderline - Emeline Schevingt - 66.961 %
- 5. Fuerst Ferdinand Ad - Iulia Caba - 65.686 %
- 6. Jillzella - Rita Laura Nagy - 65.637 %
- 7. Ferati - Lucie-anouk Baumgürtel - 65.490
- 8. Vivaldi De Maziere - Anne Louise Bertagne 65.147 %
- 9. Diceppu De Pernice - Isoline De La Burgade - 64.265 %
- 10. Skate Moss - Emeline Schevingt 63.686 %
- 11. Johnny Walker - Eglantine Faussat - 63.039 %
- 12. Sir Sandro - Jade Paillousse - 62.108 %
- 13. Let It Go T - Pablo Garcia Cobos - 61.471 %
- 14. Lacoste - Maud Hebras - 58.726 %
Young Riders - Kur to Music
- 1. Farlana - Lucie-anouk Baumgürtel - 74.367 %
- 2. Doruto Alexandre Cheret - 71.759 %
- 3. Hexagon's La Caprinomana - Tessa Kole - 69.725 %
- 4. Fuerst Ferdinand Ad - Iulia Caba - 69.459 %
- 5. Sir Sandro - Jade Paillousse - 69.192 %
- 6. Jillzella - Rita Laura Nagy- 69.175 %
- 7. Diceppu De Pernice - Isoline De La Burgade - 66.709 %
- Vivaldi De Maziere - Anne Louise Bertagne - RET
- Let It Go T - Pablo Garcia Cobos - DNS
Amateurs - Silver - Junior Team Test
- 1. Kenric - Isabell Weissenfels - 63.737 %
Amateurs - Silver - Junior Individual test
- 1. Kenric - Isabell Weissenfels - 59.853 %
Amateurs - Gold - Prix St Georges
- 1 Leomax - Leonie Krull - 63.873 %
- 2. Lorenzo Ve - Catherine Noel - 62.941 %
- 3. Serengeti - Isabelle Humbert - 62.549 %
- 4. Royal Di - Caroline Hascoet - 62.108 %
- 5. Beau Bandido - Coraline Boniface - 61.764 %
Amateurs - Gold - Intermediaire I
- 1. Leomax - Leonie Krull - 64.804 %
- 2. Lorenzo Ve - Catherine Noel - 63.088 %
- 3. Royal Di - Caroline Hascoet - 59.804 %
- 4. Beau Bandido - Coraline Boniface - 58.627 %
- 5. Serengeti - Isabelle Humbert - 58.186 %
Amateurs - Gold - Inter I Kur to Music
- 1. Lorenzo Ve - Catherine Noel - 64.300 %
- 2. Leomax - Leonie Krull - 62.033 %
Amateur - Prix St Georges
- 1. Der Kleine Aprilscherz - Isabell Weissenfels - 67.990 %
- 2. Ruiz Rudillo - Alexandra Senkowski - 66.373 %
- 3. Drogo - Christine Duchambon - 66.225 %
Amateurs - Young Riders Individual
- 1. Ruiz Rudillo - Alexandra Senkowski - 64.657 %
- 2. Der Kleine Aprilscherz - Isabell Weissenfels - 63.676 %
- 3. Drogo - Christine Duchambon - 60.108 %
Amateurs - Young Riders Kur
- 1. Der Kleine Aprilscherz - Isabell Weissenfels - 66.817 %
- 2. Drogo - Christine Duchambon - 66.475 %
- 3. Ruiz Rudillo - Alexandra Senkowski - 66.050 %
Prix St Georges
- 1. Little John Da Silica - Stefan Hollanders - 69.882 %
- 2. Active Solaris- Andrew Gould - 68.912 %
- 3. Cash - Diego Martinez Del Moral - 68.147 %
- 4. Loriston - Stefan Hollanders - 66.971 %
- 5. Vicomte De Reyves - Jorinde Verwimp - 66.618 %
- 6. Beluga - Arthur Verbroekken - 66.441 %
- 7. Ela Mana Mou - Thomas Walker - 66.118 %
- 8. Fayenna - Alejandro Oliva Lazaro - 65.588 %
- 9. Jivanna - Mikaela Soratie - 65.382 %
- 10. Quasino - Djessy Petitjean - 65.206 %
- 11. Hummer - Irma Van Der Wal - 64.941 %
- 12. Ultra Nico Mor - Juan Antonio Jimenez Cobo - 64.529 %
- 13. Garmeur G - Arranka Adriaenssens - 63.323 %
- 14. Ilas - Arthur Verbroekken - 62.794 %
- 15. Emperador - Lilly Widdicombe - 62.235 %
Intermediaire I
- 1. Vicomte De Reyves - Jorinde Verwimp - 70.000 %
- 2. Cash - Diego Martinez Del Moral - 69.441 %
- 3. Loriston - Stefan Hollanders - 68.353 %
- 4. Ilas - Arthur Verbroekken - 68.323 %
- 5. Active Solaris - Andrew Gould - 68.118 %
- 6. Little John Da Silica - Stefan Hollanders - 67.970 %
- 7. Jivanna - Mikaela Soratie - 66.971 %
- 8. Quasino - Djessy Petitjean - 66.735 %
- 9. Ultra Nico Mor - Juan Antonio Jimenez - 66.212 %
- 10. Beluga - Arthur Verbroekken - 65.971 %
- 11. Hummer - Irma Van Der Wal - 65.000 %
- 12. Fayenna - Alejandro Oliva Lazaro - 64.382 %
- 13. Garmeur G- Arranka Adriaenssens - 64.088 %
- 14. Ela Mana Mou - Thomas Walker - 62.882 %
- 15. Emperador - Lilly Widdicombe - 62.088 %
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
- 1. Cash - Diego Martinez Del Moral - 72.910 %
- 2. Jivanna - Mikaela Soratie - 71.180 %
- 3. Vicomte De Reyves - Jorinde Verwimp - 71.115 %
- 4. Active Solaris - Andrew Gould - 70.875 %
- 5. Ilas - Arthur Verbroekken - 69.720 %
- 6. Little John Da Silica - Stefan Hollanders - 68.675 %
- 7. Hummer - Irma Van Der Wal - 67.655 %
- 8. Garmeur G - Arranka Adriaenssens - 67.015 %
- 9. Quasino - Djessy Petitjean - 66.250 %
- 10. Emperador - Lilly Widdicombe - 60.755 %
- Ela Mana Mou - Thomas Walker - DNS
- Fayenna - Alejandro Oliva Lazaro - DNS
- Ultra Nico Mor - Juan Antonio Jimenez - DNS
Intermediaire B
Judges: Rovida, Du Tranoy, Kessler, Rucinska, Renard
- 1. Hexagons Luxuriouzz - Zweistra Thamar - 70,703
- 2. Lucky Gold - Guillem Pauline - 68,081- / -
- 3. Don Vito De Hus - Brieussel Stephanie - 66,513
- 4. Islero - Moulis Lebecq Christine - 60,594
Intermediaire II
- 1. Hexagons Luxuriouzz - Thamar Zweistra - 71.000 %
- 2. Lucky Gold - Pauline Guillem - 67.823 %
- 3. Don Vito De Hus - Stephanie Brieussel - 64.676 %
- 4. Islero - Christine Moulis Lebecq - 60.735 %
Under 25 - Intermediaire II
- 1. Don Quichot - Rowena Weggelaar - 69.941 %
- 2. Dark Rose De Fangar - Julia Álvarez Abad - 68.647 %
- 3. Last Minute - Lana Portejoie - 65.177 %
- 4. for Olimpic Games - Diego Martinez Del Moral - 64.588 %
- 5. Giovanni - Lotte Van Den Herik - 64.500 %
- 6. Eppo - Carla Marie Dufil - 62.659 %
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
- 1. Don Quichot - Rowena Weggelaar - 69.718 %
- 2. Dark Rose De Fangar - Julia Álvarez Abad - 66.410 %
- 3. for Olimpic Games - Diego Martinez Del Moral - 65.897 %
- 4. Giovanni - Lotte Van Den Herik - 65.769 %
- 5. Last Minute - Lana Portejoie - 62.128 %
- 5. Eppo -Carla Marie Dufil - 62.128 %
Grand Prix
- 1. Queenparks Wendy - Isabell Werth - 74.348 % (Germany)
- 2. Gideon K.h. - Juliette Ramel - 71.826 % (Sweden)
- 3. Quentano - Henri Ruoste -71.587 % (Finland)
- 4. Quartar - Juan Antonio Jimenez Cobo - 70.239 % (Spain)
- 5. Furst Kennedy - João Pedro Moreira - 69.891 % (Portugal)
- 6. Fiderprincess - Jeroen Devroe - 69.739 % (Belgium)
- 7. Quincy B - Jayden Brown - 69.674 % (australia)
- 8. Elegance - Beatriz Ferrer-salat - 69.413 % (Spain)
- 9. Quaterdance - Amandine Prevost - 69.183 % (Belgium)
- 10. Herelja Higgins - Camille Judet Cheret - 69.174 % (France)
- 10. Fellini Du Soleil - Stephanie Brieussel - 69.174 % (France)
- 12. Gamin Van Het Waterhof - Laurens Vanderbeeken - 68.326 % (Belgium)
- 13. Impressive Vdc - Sarah Millis - 68.021 % (Great Britain)
- 14. Lexus - Juan Matute Guimon - 67.674 % (Spain)
- 15. Genie - Andrew Gould - 67.652 % (Great Britain)
- 16. Ellington - Cristina Wagemans Rovira - 67.348 % (Spain)
- 17. Ginger - Bertrand Liegard - 67.239 % (France)
- 18. Hip by Johnson - Lucia Gallardo Muñoz - 67.043 % (Spain)
- 19. Hexagon's Innuendo - Thamar Zweistra - 67.022 % (Holland)
- 20. Sir Rubinus - Laureen Poncelet - 66.804 % (Belgium)
- 21. Ice De Jeu - Thamar Zweistra - 66.652 % (Holland)
- 22. Don Primus - Judith Sarda Mañe - 66.174 % (Spain)
- 23. Mala Skala's Hermes - Alexa Fairchild - 66.130 % (Belgium)
- 24. Qatar - Gonzalo Castillo Arroyo - 65.848 % (Spain)
- 25. Charmer - Jorinde Verwimp - 65.435 % (Belgium)
- 26. Bolero Du Coussoul - Barbara Clement Klinger - 65.261 % (France)
- 26. Sternenwanderer - Ryan Torkkeli - 65.261 % (Canada)
- 28. Feneton - Gilles Siauve - 64.935 % (France)
- 29. Querida De Hus - Caroline Godin - 64.761 % (France)
- 30. Eximio - Jennifer Harnett - 64.717 % (Ireland)
- 31. Ginassy - Wouter D'hoore - 64.022 % (Belgium)
- 32. Jackpot - Jeroen Devroe - 63.848 % (Belgium)
- 33. Darius De Massa - Bertille Pelardy - 62.718 % (France)
- 34. Chilly Jam - Anna-louisa Fuchs - 61.413 % (Germany)
- 35. Flanell - Nikolas Kröncke - 60.717 % (Germany)
- 36. Gribaldi - Cedric Morandin - 59.087 % (France)
- 37. Invincible - Mikaela Soratie - 58.848 % (Finland)
- 38. Deco - Belinda Brereton - 58.652 %
- Jibraltar De Massa - Anne Sophie Serre - DNS (France)
Grand Prix Special
- 1. Queenparks Wendy - Isabell Werth - 4.511 %
- 2. Gideon K.h. -Juliette Ramel - 73.915 %
- 3. Quartar- Juan Antonio Jimenez - 69.957 %
- 4. Elegance - Beatriz Ferrer-salat - 69.787 %
- 5. Genie - Andrew Gould - 68.042 %
- 6. Furst Kennedy - João Pedro Moreira - 67.851 %
- 7. Qatar - Gonzalo Castillo Arroyo - 67.298 %
- 8. Impressive Vdc - Sarah Millis - 67.277 %
- 9. Lexus - Juan Matute Guimon - 67.170 %
- 10. Ginger - Bertrand Liegard - 66.902 %
- 11. Don Primus - Judith Sarda Mañe - 66.894 %
- 12. Ice De Jeu - Thamar Zweistra - 65.851 %
- 13. Ellington - Cristina Wagemans Rovira - 65.681 %
- 14. Fellini Du Soleil - Stephanie Brieussel - 65.255 %
- 15. Hip by Johnson - Lucia Gallardo Muñoz - 63.192 %
Grand Prix Kur to Music
- 1. Quentano - Henri Ruoste - 75.120 %
- 2. Herelja Higgins - Camille Judet Cheret - 74.910 %
- 3. Quaterdance - Amandine Prevost - 73.990 %
- 4. Hexagon's Innuendo - Thamar Zweistra - 73.085 %
- 5. Mala Skala's Hermes - Alexa Fairchild - 71.920 %
- 6. Sir Rubinus - Laureen Poncelet - 71.600 %
- 7. Charmer - Jorinde Verwimp - 70.690 %
- 8. Bolero Du Coussoul - Barbara Clement Klinger - 70.165 %
- 9. Sternenwanderer - Ryan Torkkeli - 69.930 %
- 10. Gamin Van Het Waterhof - Laurens Vanderbeeken - 69.385 %
- 11. Fiderprincess - Jeroen Devroe - 68.800 %
- 12. Ginassy - Wouter D'hoore - 66.005 %
- 13. Eximio - Jennifer Harnett - 65.150 %
- 14. Darius De Massa - Bertille Pelardy - 64.740 %
- Quincy B - Jayden Brown - RET