At the 2001 Oldenburg Elite Auction for Oldenburger Sport horse the top knock down price was only a bare 180,000 DM. Due to the Foot and Mouth Disease in Europe, many international buyers feared importation difficulties and stayed away from the auction.
Nevertheless, a decent 180,000DM was paid for Schatzinsel, a black mare by Sandro Hit x Sion x Intervall. The three year old was praised for her exorbitant class, and an American buyer felt inspired to claim ownership.
Second most expensive youngster was Sinopoli. The four-year-old gelding by Sandro Hit x Imperator x Goldstern moved to a dressage stable in Berlin for 150,000DM.
That Sandro Hit seems to be the sire hot in the market and that was proven by the sale of Silver Suprise. This dapple grey stallion by Sandro Hit x Feinbrand x Camden Town xx is licensed with the Oldenburg Verband under the name Subito. The auction catalog described Silver Surprise as " a white dream with an ultra modern silhouette and manners to soften your heart. The 2001 German Young Horse Championships may come!" Silver Surprise cost $140,000 and moved to Westfalen.
Fourth six-figure priced horse was Ragtime Prinzess, an electrifying chestnut mare formerly named Rouge et Noix. Ragtime Prinzess passed her broodmare performance test with an excellent score of 7.67 and was decorated with State Premium in 2000. She was sold to Belgium for 105,000DM.
The average knock down price was 54,250 DM.
Photo © Tammo Ernst