At the 21st Elite Spring Auction for Westfalian Sport Horses the highest average ever has been achieved. With 56.705 DM as average price for a Westfalian youngster, this auction broke its own record.
Of the 44 horses sold in the auction, five of them reached a price higher than 100,000 DM.
The top knock down price was 420,000 DM which is still far below last winter's record of 600,000 DM for Dollmann (sold to Elizabeth Lewis of the USA). St George, a three year old chestnut stallion by Licensing Champion St Tropez x Brentano II x Matcho AA, was sold to France. Bred by Hans Bockholt from Steinfurt (GER) and formerly owned by Ernst Kemper from Borken (GER), St George has it all to become a true dressage champion.
Farwick, named after Munster-Handorf rider Michael Farwick who won the World Championships for young dressage horses with his stallion Laurentianer, was the second most expensive mount. For 320,000 DM, Farwick was purchased by the sponsor of internationally renowned dressage rider and trainer Rudolf Zeilinger. Farwick is by Fidermark x Potsdam x Captain and was bred by Karin und Helmut Bosserhoff from Hünxe.
The World Magic x Florestan x Don Juan descendant Werbespot ended in third position in the knock down price charts. The 17.0hh liver chestnut stallion was bred by Norbert Borgmann from Ostbevern and presented in the auction by Christoph Rawert from Coesfeld. The six-year old show jumper Peggy Sue (by Pit I x Paradox) was, with a price of 125,000 DM, the most expensive show jumper of the collection.
Wellness, a liver chestnut stallion by World Magic x Florestan, reached a price of 115,000 DM, while stable mate Weltmann, a bay gelding by Weltfeuer x Davignon, got sold for 114,000 DM.
The international interest was moderate at this auction, probably due to the Foot and Mouth disease in Europe. Switzerland was the top foreign buying country in Munster. (Japan (1), Canada (1), Holland (1), Switzerland (3), USA (2) )