It's been droopy weather for months now over here. Each day, you wonder if a ray of sunshine is going to break through the thick layer of clouds, which have conspired against us to make our lives grey, somber and depressing from October to May. You lie in bed and dream of tropical islands, coconut drinks and minimal clothing, while you feel coldness creeping in through the windows.
Last month, I booked myself a ticket to happiness, at least a short seven days of happiness. It was time for me to revisit my favorite Florida dressage show again, the Palm Beach Derby, and this year my work schedule allowed me to sneak away from my obligations in Belgium and relax in Florida. The Derby was great, the weather was great (got sunburnt, yes!), the horses were nice, the renewed contacts with friends were thrilling; in brief, I had a blast.
When I flew back on Tuesday (March 9), I experienced severe "weather shock" upon landing in Belgium. Going from 95° to 35° does not stimulate my mood in a good way.
Nuts as I sometimes can be, I immediately decided to book a new ticket for the WEF Dressage Classic in Wellington, FL. I need SUN!!!!! and I need it now.
So anyway, I'm flying back to Florida Thursday March 17 for a short five day horse-and-sun-stayover and anyone who wants to join me, please do so! Go wild, turn crazy, be nuts sometimes and do what makes you happy. The Derby got me on a Florida High and I'm not ready to go "cold" turkey (literally and figuratively)
--Astrid Appels