Direct Dutch: Patser No Longer Sponsored by Reduson, Bax to Ride Vivaldo

Thu, 01/26/2006 - 00:00
Dutch Dressage News

Dutch equestrian magazine De Hoefslag reported on three interesting Dutch news items this week. The Prix St Georges horse Patser will no longer by sponsored by communication company Reduson.

Madeleine Vrees competed the KWPN bred stallion Patser (by Jazz x Ariban) at international small tour level. After three years of sponsorship, Reduson decided to end the partnership with Patser's owner "Syndicate Witte," led by Dutch horse dealer Nico Witte. Reduson's ceo Mr Sprey is still part of the syndicate of owners, which bought the dark bay dressage horse together.

Dutch Grand Prix rider Bart Bax will be riding the 5-year old KWPN licensed stallion Vivaldo (by Polansky x Montecristo) in the future. Owned by stallion owner Van Bommel, Vivaldo will be first shown in public under Bax at the KWPN Stallion Licensing in February.

Dutch dressage rider Mischa Koot has given birth to a baby daughter. Nina was born on January 22, 2006, in the clinic in Veldhoven, The Nethelands. Father to the baby is Koot's boyfriend Joost Peeters, who is a freestyle designer. Koot and Peeters live in Laage Mierde, The Netherlands.

Source: De Hoefslag
Photo copyrighted: Dirk Caremans

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