Westfalian Breeding News

Nine warmblood stallion were accepted to breed for the Westfalian verband at the After-Licensing held on January 11, 2010.
Four of those are dressage bred stallions: Deveraux, Double Joy, Stockholm and the KWPN bred BB King.
Five show jumpers were accepted amongst which the grey 8-year old Last Man Standing (by Lovari x Landgraf). He made his name through his son Le Champ ASK which sold for 1,1 million euro at auction. The Russian Maria Chernova owns Last Man Standing and he has returned to Germany to stand at stud there now that he's become so famous.
The approved dressage stallions are:
- Deveraux - ° 2007 - Depardieu x Donnerhall
Owner: Franz Bürmann
Station: Heiner Rohmann - Double Joy - ° 2007 - Desperados x Prince Orac xx
Owner: Erich Stevens
Station: Wilhelm Holkenbrink - BB King - ° 2006 - Johnson x Partout/T.
Owner: Westrade Stables
Station: Reesink Horses - Stockholm - ° 2005 - Stedinger x Silvio I
Owner: BZV für Pferdezüchter Rheinhessen-Pfalz-Saar and Kurt Gravemeier
Station: Landgestüt Zweibrücken
Related Links
Silbermond, Champion of the 2009 Westfalian Stallion Licensing
Flanagan, Champion of the 2008 Westfalian Stallion Licensing