The evaluation of the stallions at the Dansk Varmblod National Stallion Show got off to a good start Thursday. All stallions have been measured, undergone a veterinarian control as well as they have been shown on hard surface, where the judges evaluate the correctness of the stallions’ limbs and gaits.
The 54 young colts (50 3-year-olds and four 4-year-olds) have all been shown in the lunge line today Friday, where the dressage colts were shown free and the jumping colts in free-jumping.
Saturday the judges will announce the verdict over the young colts, and Sunday the final licensing and award ceremony for both the young colts and older stallions will take place.
The judges have already announced their verdict over the older stallions and expressed particular excitement about the group of four-year-old dressage and jumping stallions.
The final results will be available Sunday afternoon. The preliminary results of the licensing are:
4-year-old dressage stallions
- Baltimore Vrå by Fort-Baron X / Titanic X
Owner: Rolf Hahn - Blue Hors Bentley by Belissimo M / Weltmeyer
Owner: Blue Hors ApS - Fassbinder by Fürst Heinrich / Caprimond
Owner: Hanne Lund og Henrik Hansen - Fürstenball by Fürst Heinrich / Donnerhall
Owner: Lone Bøegh Henriksen og Paul Schockemöhle - Gørklintgårds Santos by Sunny-Boy / Carano
Owner: Jørgen Ravn - Jakas Don Lux by Blue Hors Don Romantic / Lauries Crusador xx
Owner: Helle Rasmussen - Lapagenos by Lauries Crusador xx / Rotspon
Owner: Aggesensgård A/S - L’Espoir by Lord Loxley / Warkant
Owner: Priess Horses A/S - Tailormade Lacoste by Lord Loxley / Ferragamo
Owner: Tailormade Horses ApS
One year approval
- Dark Knight by Don Crusador / Cheenook
Owner: Aggesensgård A/S - JJ Rayban by Rascalino / Londonderry
Owner: JJ Horses v/ Ole Jørgen Jørgentved - Stevie Wonder by Stedinger / White Star
Owner: Katrinelund og Priess Horses A/S - Swix by Sandro Hit / Depardieu
Owner: Kristin Andresen
5-year-old dressage stallions
- Blickpunkt by Belissimo M / Fidermark
Owner: Hildegard Elmerhaus - Blue Hors Dicardo by Blue Hors Don Romantic / Lauries Crusador xx
Owner: Steve Thomsen - Hoftanz by His Highness / Rotspon
Owner: Lone Bøegh Henriksen - Louis Vuitton by Lauries Crusador xx / Bogenschuetze
Owner: JJ Horses/B. Gjerde AS v. Ole Jørgentvedt - * Sieger Hit by Sandro Hit / Donnerhall
Owner: Aggesensgård A/S - * ”UNO” Don Diablo by Blue Hors Don Schufro / Falkland
Owner: Højagergaard ApS v/ Jørgen Steen Jensen
*Conditional on the outcome of the participation in the Young Horse Championship i Herning.
One year approval
- Tailormade Red Rebel by Blue Hors Romanov / Donnerhall
Owner: Tailormade Horses ApS
Refinement stallion
- Streckers Hot Shot xx by Spectacular Tide xx / Persion Bold xx
Owner: Ib Kirk
Photo courtesy: Ridehesten.com
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