Seeing New Zealand’s top Grand Prix riders teamed up with young riders on tiny ponies was an eyecatching spectacle and a huge success at the 2011 New Zealand Young Riders and Pony Championships at Manfield in Fielding, New Zealand, 19 - 20 January 2011. It was the first time such an event had been organised and was part of the Majik Mini Groomer Mentor Team Competition.
The Dressage NZ Mentoring programme was launched this year as a means of providing young riders with access to top level riders. It offers a chance for them to gain an insight into the world of top level competition, how the riders train and care for their horses. Senior mentors provide lessons for the young riders and in return young riders help their mentors at shows or at home.
Nine of the 13 young riders selected for the Mentoring programme competed at the 2011 NZ Pony & Young Rider Championships in the Mentor Team competition. Senior squad mentors teamed up with their mentor pair or another young rider, while other senior advanced riders teamed up with selected young riders.
Points were combined from young riders Championship test and the senior riders Prix St Georges and Grand Prix tests to provide an accumulated score. The team with the highest points won.
Auckland’s Wendi Williamson, paired with Emily Twort and Ngahere Shot Silk took the overall title, a testament to the time they had already spent together as part of the mentor programme.
“This was the culmination of the mentor programme, which began at the Young Rider Champs last year,“ said Megan Sixtus.
“The whole idea of the prgramme is to show that both ends of the scale can work together. The feedback we had from the kids has been really positive.“
Related Link
Kate Welten Crowned 2011 New Zealand Young Riders' Champion