Last night Dutch equestrian promotor and stallion owner Adri Gordijn passed away unexpectedly after very short illness of a few days at the hospital in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The Weert based Gordijn was 69 years old.
Gordijn was a renowned project developer by profession, having founded and managed the Jongen Building Company which he sold in the 1990s. He was the founder of Stable De Ijzeren Man, which became the base of many international equestrian riders such as show jumpers Rob Ehrens (with Oscar Drum), Eric Willemsz Geeroms (with Olympic Briljant), Yves Houtackers (with Gran Corrado) and dressage rider Gonnelien Gordijn (Weyden, Leonardo da Vinci, Bo, Dondolo).
Daughter Gonnelien and son-in-law Sven Rothenberger both participated in the 1996 Olympic Games with Sven winning individual bronze aboard Jonggor's Weyden. Grandchild Antointte te Riele is current European Pony Champion aboard Golden Girl, a pony which Adri acquired at the Westfalian Elite auction for his granddaughter. His other grandchildren: Sanneke, Sönke and Semmieke Rothenberger are all at the top in the German youth riders' divisions.
Gordijn was an avid breeder and often bought young stallions at the licensings and young sport horses at the auctions in Germany. In 1993 he was proclaimed Dutch Horse Sport Man of the Year at the CDI-W/CSI-W 's Hertogenbosch.
"The Dutch Equestrian Federation (KNHS) will always be grateful to Adri Gordijn's yearlong and loyal commitment to the equestrian sport in The Netherlands," said KNHS director Theo Ploegmakers. "We wish his wife Antoinette, children and grand children a lot of strength to accept and deal with the loss of this striking man."
Photos © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Adri Gordijn
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