The 3-year old bay mare Eine Offenbarung fetched the top price at the 2011 Westfalian Elite Auction held in Munster-Handorf on Sunday 2 October 2011. The mare by Ehrenstolz x Fidermark sold for 140,000 euro to Russia.
Eine Offenbarung is bred by Magdalena Post and was presented at auction by Willers-Moritzer.
The second most expensive horse was the show jumper Con Polydor (by Converter x Polydor). The 4-year old bay stallion was acquired by Sprehe for 75,000 euro.
The 2011 Bundeschampion Sungai (by Sorento x Londonderry) was expected to be the highlight of the collection but this top dressage horse sold for the "bargain" price of 73,000 euro to a horse dealer in Bavaria. He was bred and presented at auction by Gabi Wibbelsmann-Klein.
The 3-year old chestnut gelding Danny White (by Danone I x White Star) sold for 72,000 euro, while Dilis, a 3-year old chestnut mare by Dragon Heart x Furst Heinrich sold for 67,000 euro.
A sky high price of 90,000 euro was paid for Golden Daydream, the 2011 Bundeschampion in the 3-year old riding pony division. The palomino mare by Hesselteich's Golden Dream x Golden Moonlight) sold to clients who used Kira Wulferding as agent. American Melissa Mulchahey bought Coole Optik, a roan gelding by Champion de Luxe x Durello, which finished third at the Bundeschampionate this year. Mulchahey paid 23,000 euro for the pony.
Forty-six sport horses and five riding ponies were sold at auction. The horses sold for an average price of 24,717 euro.