As in all sports it is always interesting to watch new champions being made. When I say champions, I don't mean the winner of a competition, what I am talking about is watching competitors that may be the ones to dominate the sport in years to come. At this year's Sydney CDI, there are quite a number of 'Young Guns' who have been diligently working away under the eye of some of Australia's best riders and trainers (and some traveling overseas for tuition).
As a result they have become extremely hard to beat. They have lots of ambition, lots of energy and the world is their oyster. Over the next ten years, some of these riders will become Australia's champions. It may also be one of these riders that will represent Australia at the 2020 Olympics or WEG. Time will tell.
I have decided to give a short overview of six of these 'Young Guns'. This article will highlight three of 'The Lads' and the next one will highlight three of “The Girls”.
Our first rider is David McKinnon (22 years old). David is relatively new to the scene and in this short time has made his presence known. David was Novice and Elementary champion at New South Wales State Championships in 2011 and then he also secured Elementary Champion at the Bates Australian Championships in the same year.
The Sydney CDI will be a new experience for this young rider. “I’ve been going to the CDI for a few years as a spectator, and like everyone else have always admired the horses and riders, but this year I will get the chance to compete”. David is employed by Brett and Melinda Parbery and as Brett is in Europe contending for the London Olympics, David has been given the rides on Brett’s horses – QEB Good as Gold, owned by Brett and Caroline Lieutenant and DP Weltmeiser owned by Susan Duddy. “I’m so lucky that they have entrusted me to ride their horses. I have to say I’m pretty nervous as they are big shoes to fill”. Both horses will be competing in Small Tour.
Although new to the game, David obviously has some great people around him – past and present. So, how does he find competitive horses to ride? “I’m lucky enough to be involved with some very experienced people who have a great eye for talented horses, such as my girlfriend Robbie Soster (another Australian Young Gun) and her mum. I also have Brett who knows what to look for in a Grand Prix horse”. David has also been competing on Bradgate Park Jatzz who is owned and bred by John and Bev Healy. “They have a fantastic breeding program which makes finding top performance horses a bit easier. I have some great horses at the moment and they all have their strengths and weaknesses but I guess I’m lucky because the all have one thing in common, a great brain”.
Our second rider is, twenty years old, Elliot Patterson. He has now competed at three Sydney CDI’s but this will be Elliot's first year competing in the Open CDI Small Tour. This young man is quite aware of the degree of difficulty. “Usually every competitor brings with them a plan of attack so it's tough and you have to work for your marks.”
Elliot’s career highlight is winning the CDI-Young Tour at last year’s Sydney CDI. “The other highlight would have to be working and riding with Wolfram and Brigitte Wittig in Germany for three months.”
“My aspirations in the not to distant future will be to have a Grand Prix start with my FEI horse Leandro. Of course the goal is a WEG or Olympics. I also have a mare in training with Tor van den Berge (one of Australia’s top riders and trainers) that could just take me there. This mare is by Lord Sinclair out of the same mare line as Maree Tomkinson’s Diamantina. She has the breeding to do special things but for the moment my main focus is university with the goal of a veterinary science degree.”
Elliot’s girlfriend is another ‘Young Gun’, Alexis Hellyer. Although Elliot has been trained by Tor van den Berge for four years, he has Alexis at home to ensure he is on track.
Our third Young Gun is Queensland rider Jayden Brown (23 years old). Jayden has a bit more experience than Elliot and David as he won the small final at the 2008 Young Rider World Cup finals in Frankfurt with his horse Widelo. His score of 70% wold have put him in fourth place in the A Final (but as we all know, that's the name of the game). This was the highlight of Jayden’s career. “Experiencing a real European prize giving was pretty amazing.”
Jayden is working hard to ensure he has a team of good horses behind him. Horses that will hopefully keep him in the sport for a long time. “It can be really difficult to make sure you have some talented horses coming through to follow on from your top competition horse. In the past I have always sold my top horses when I believe that are just reaching their peak, it's always sad to see them go but the reality of running a business makes it impossible to keep every horse forever. I have been quite focused on making sure that over time I can build up a base of talented younger horses. I am also very fortunate to have the support of a great group of enthusiastic owners. They have 100% trust that I will make the right decisions in terms of the training and management of their horses, so my job is a lot easier.”
At the Sydney CDI, Jayden will compete on his 8yo gelding, Furst Friedrich (Furst Piccolo x Angelo xx) in the small tour. He will also be competing on two horses owned by Beau and Linda Dowsett - San Andreas (Sandro Hit x Walt Disney) in the 5yo class and the imported gelding Waitano (by Wolkantanz) who is entered for the Advanced Tour. San Andreas is currently a member of the National Future Squad. All three horses, Jayden hopes to train to Grand Prix.
The Sydney CDI runs from the 3rd to the 5th May at the Sydney International Equestrian centre.
Photos © Morton - Venhaus
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