The FEI Dressage Committee held a conference call meeting on 20 June 2012, where they discussed the amount of horses that should be allowed to compete in dressage at the 2016 Olympic Games. They also made a proposal for a new blood rule
It was the Dressage Committee's fourth meeting of the year and Kyra Kyrklund was welcomed as new committee member. The commitee discussed the fact that the Young Riders World Cup Final of 2012 in Frankfurt might be cancelled. The DC recommended a fast bid process was put in place in case Frankfurt would not organise the YR World Cup Final.
A CDI in Geneva was being discussed but the decision was kept confidential.
FEI Dressage Director Trond Asmyr asked for clarification on what role a JSP member should have at events where not working as JSP. When present as a member of the JSP this was clear. Also when a JSP member went to an event in an official capacity was this defined. When at an event in none of the above two roles, he should be neutral and not go to the judges with feedback and not do anything in an active way. He asked for the DC’s opinion on this. The current job description does not cover these situations. A JSP member should be totally neutral, he can answer questions if a judge asks, but otherwise has no right to say anything or use the JSP title.
Regarding development of the sport on a long-term basis, Elisabeth Lundholm has started by collecting information from the NFs. A long term strategy paper was needed as this was an important issue for the FEI. A good start had been made but this needed to be looked at again and a strategy developed. lisabeth Lundholm suggested having a map illustrating the findings from the survey. The time frame for this had been set as two Olympic periods.
Thomas Baur told the DC he had been approached by trainers and riders regarding a situation at CDI5*/3* Munich, where the public had been very enthusiastic and making much noise. Nothing had happened, but what to do if something happens to the horse during the test. Anne Gribbons replied that in such a case, with a disturbance during the test (eg applause, other noise from the audience) that causes the horse to loose his mind, the President of the Ground Jury can stop the test, but it would take a serious situation for the Judge to do so at a big event. The DD added that often the rider gives a signal with his hand to the audience to calm down, or the speaker asks them to calm down. No rule as such is really practical as situations vary.
Chair Frank Kemperman informed the members that the Olympic qualification system for the 2015 Pan American Games and 2016 Olympic Games would be a main topic at the 2013 FEI Sports Forum but that the Olympic format could already be discussed by the DC after the London Olympic Games.
Photos © Astrid Appels
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