Korver and Nissen Re-elected on WBFSH Board

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 12:12
WBFSH Breeding News

Siem Korver and Thomas Nissen were re-elected on the board of the World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses (WBFSH) during the general assembly held in Newmarket, Great Britain, on 6 November 2012.

The Board consists of the president and 5 vice-presidents. Each year, one-third of the Board members are retiring and up for election, meaning that two out of the six Board members are elected each year for a three-year period. This year, Siem Korver and Thomas Nissen were up for election and eligible for re-election for a 3-year period.

Alison Corbally informed that Siem Korver from the KWPN is willing to stay as vice- president and the KWPN is willing to continue with the Department Promotion. The General Assembly re-elected Siem Korver as vice-president and Johan Knaap as member of the executive committee until 2015.

Likewise, Thomas Nissen (HOLST) was re-elected as vice-president and Klaus Miesner as member of the executive committee until 2015, taking care of the Department Cooperation.

Håkon Wahlman, Werner Schade and Chris Gould were re-elected on the WBFSH Audit Committee. Alf Kjetil Andresen and John Shenfield as substitutes of the committee were re-elected as well. Jos van Campen, Hanfried Haring, Theo Van den Broek, Peter Ljungcrantz, Xavier Libbrecht were all re-elected on the WBFSH Board of Appeal. Joachim Wann, Dermot Ryan and Egon Fræhr were re-elected on the Disciplinary Committee. Phillippe Le Maistre (FRA) replaced Roland DeVolz.

Photo © Dirk Caremans

Related Link
Jan Pedersen Presents Actvity Report at 2012 WBFSH General Assembly