The International Dressage Riders Club (IDRC) is seeking clarification for the elimination of Tina Konyot and Calecto V at the 2013 WDM Palm Beach. The club has liased with the FEI whether the WDM show organizers followed the right procedure for eliminating the pair after blood was detected due to a spur mark after the Grand Prix on Friday 25 January 2013.
"The show organizers are being attacked by the international Riders and Trainers club because they did not follow the proper procedure on the blood rule," Konyot told Eurodressage. "We could find nothing on my boy's sides, no cut, no blood on spurs, and no vet or ground jury checked on my boy Calecto. Carl Hester brought it to my attention the new blood rule and told me a vet must check him. I was ignored."
Konyot confirmed that Kyra Kyrklund wrote a letter to the organizers the following morning in regards to her situation.
Tina also stressed that "no one ever looked at my horse, just one lady steward. That's why the International Riders Club and International Trainers club are taking action against the show organizers."
In an interview with Dressage-News, Konyot told the reporter that "she was unaware of the blood but if there was an injury it may have been caused when Calecto stumbled during the extended trot and a spur Tina was wearing could have nicked the side of the horse."
Kyra Kyrklund, president of the IDRC, told Eurodressage that the IDRC has certainly not "attacked" the show organizers nor is it "taking action against them."
The IDRC has reached out to the WDM show hosts by mail to seek clarification. "I was informed that the Steward wiped the horse with a tissue and found a trace of blood. So far as I know, the horse was not inspected by a vet," Kyrklund told Eurodressage. "We don't know if the blood was the horse's, was from a fly bite or what or even if it was actually blood."
The World Dressage Masters Palm Beach released a statement on Sunday 27 January 2013 that the proper procedures were followed to carry out Konyot's elimination from the Grand Prix.
Konyot explained that "the following day the show wanted a statement from me saying that everything was done properly. My heart was in my shoe and I could not say anything. No one was unkind to me throughout this. Everyone involved feels badly."
At the 2011 World Dressage Masters in Palm Beach German Anja Plonzke was eliminated for blood in the mouth of Le Mont D'Or. One year later at the 2012 WDM Palm Beach one Grand Prix horse left the arena with a pinkish coloured mouth (see photo left) after it completed the test, but this combination was not eliminated at the time.
Tina Konyot's elimination for blood was not the first since the new blood rule became effective on 1 January 2013. At the 2013 CDI Drachten in The Netherlands, Thamar Zweistra was excused from the test when her horse Zodinde bit its tongue in the Prix St Georges. No incident took place at this event about the execution of the blood rule.
The Blood Rule (Art. 430.7.6) reads: “Bleeding: If the Judge at C suspects fresh blood anywhere on the horse during the test, he will stop the horse to check for blood. If the horse shows fresh blood, it will be eliminated. The elimination is final. If the Judge through examination clarifies that the horse has no fresh blood, the horse may resume and finish its test. If the horse is eliminated pursuant to the above, or if the horse is injured during the test and starts bleeding after finishing the test, it should be examined by an FEI Veterinarian prior to the next Competition to determine if it is fit to continue in the Event the following day(s). The decision of the FEI Veterinarian is not subject to appeal.”
Kyrklund summarized the issue relating to Konyot's elimination as follows: "If the Judge at C does not see the blood, but (it) is found after the test, the horse must be examined by the FEI Veterinarian to determine fitness to compete. It appears that the problem is the correct interpretation of Article 430, 7.6. Should Calecto have been eliminated by the Judge at C or checked by the FEI Vet? The IDRC believes that Calecto should have been checked by the FEI Vet and not eliminated by the Judge at C. We need to wait until the FEI has taken advice so we can clear-up and all use the correct interpretation of this rule."
Related Links
Official Statement on Tina Konyot's Elimination at 2013 World Dressage Masters
New Blood Rule Approved at 2012 FEI General Asssembly