The Dutch state lottery has donated 1.176.000 euro to the Dutch Equestrian Federation (KNHS) as part of a 43.8 million donation for Dutch sport in general. Lottery managing director Joost Otterloo handed out the cheque during the National Sport Week in Tilburg at the end of April.
"The structure of horse sport would not exist without the funding of the lottery", said KNHS director John Bierling. "All equestrian athletes in The Netherlands benefit from the money the lottery has put at our disposal."
The lottery donation has in fact decreased this year due to the financial crisis. The Dutch lottery has been funding sport in The Netherlands for the past 50 yearos. "Sinds our foundation we have donated over 1.3 billion euro to sports in The Netherlands," said Otterloo. "Our organization is of paramount important for Dutch society. We are proud of it."
Photo © Dirk Caremans
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