Equine Canada offers a new opportunities for Stewards to upgrade or maintain their certification and is open to those individual's interested in pursuing stewarding or are working towards gaining their accreditation.
Both clinics offer an exciting opportunity to work with highly qualified and deeply experienced Canadian Stewards, giving participants an incredible chance to learn from the best.
At the National Stewards clinic, registrants will be hosted by Neil Ratledge, FEI Jumper Steward, EC Senior General Steward and EC Senior Dressage. Ratledge is also chair of Equine Canada Stewards Committee and has acted as an FEI Steward at International competitions in North America, including Spruce Meadows and the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
At the Dressage Stewards clinic, registrants will be hosted by Linda Miller, FEI Dressage Steward, EC Senior General Steward, EC Senior Dressage Steward and EC Para Senior Steward. Miller has acted as an FEI Steward at International competitions in Canada.
The Clinics will be held at the Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel November 16-17, 2013.
Both clinics will be held in English only. Registrants will be provided all material on a Flash Drive and must bring a laptop computer.
Current Equine Canada licensed stewards may use this clinic for updating or upgrading purposes. This clinic will be a transition and will be used for Jumper Specific and General Stewarding upgrading or refreshing. Prospective stewards, coaches and competitors are welcome to attend this clinic, and may list it as part of a future application for EC General Steward status. EC certified Instructors and Coaches may count this clinic for 6 hours of updating.
For more information and registration forms visit:
National Stewards Clinic - November 16, 2013
Dressage Stewards Clinic - November 17, 2013
Photo © Astrid Appels
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