On the final day of pre-selection for the 2014 KWPN Stallion Licensing, the Dutch warmblood licensing committee picked another 22 colts out of a final group of 62 that can move on to the second phase. This brings the tally to a total of 79 dressage bred colts for the 2014 Licensing.
On Friday 20 December 2013 there will still be a late-licensing for colts who couldn't appear on one of the pre-selection days but the group of colts has now taken shape.
The last pre-selection day on Saturday 14 December 2013 featured, amongst others, the offspring of KWPN performance test winner Charmeur (by Florencio x Jazz) and price highlight sensation Bretton Woods (by Johnson x De Niro). The get of both stallions failed to impress in Ermelo, The Netherlands! Both their get were flashy movers, but showed little self carriage and ability to push from behind.
"We were able to select a couple of very interesting stallions today, which we like to see in Den Bosch," said committee member Wim Ernes. "On a regular basis we missed self carriage and hing leg usage today, especially in the offspring of Charmeur and Bretton Woods, but fortunately there were a few positive exceptions."
Charmeur had no less than 21 sons entered to appear in the pre-selection, but only five were accepted. The black colt Generaal (by Charmeur x Florencio) was the only to receive some applause from the crowds.
Bretton Woods had 11 colts entered and only one passed! Gobarde E (by Bretton Woods x Scandic) showed an active high leg with much technique and self carriage.
The offspring by Bordeaux (by United x Gribaldi) impressed more with two stand-out colts: the youthful and pretty Grenoble P (by Bordeaux x Florencio) and the powerful, balanced Gladstone MH (by Bordeaux x Montecristo). Nine Bordeaux sons were presented and four passed.
The not so popular stallion Breezer (by Johnson) was very successful at the pre-selection with Golden Boy (by Breezer x Special D) who showed the best canter of the day.
The colts that passed on the fourth dressage pre-selection day are:
- Game Boy STH (by Andretti x Lennard x Astronaut)
- Ajani De (by Apache x Stedinger x Rubinstein)
- Glamour Boy (by Bojengel x Jazz x Burggraaf)
- Gojengel G (by Bojengel x Tuschinski x Rousseau)
- Galandro (by Bon Bravour x Donnerhall x Roemer)
- Guiness (by Bon Bravour x Krack C x Hitchcock)
- Google (by Bordeaux x Johnson x Kommandeur)
- Grenoble P (by Bordeaux x Florencio x Jazz)
- Geronimo (by Bordeaux x Gribaldi x Zonneglans)
- Gladstone MH (by Bordeaux x Montecristo x Casanova)
- Golden Boy (by Breezer x Special D x Flemmingh)
- Gobarde E (by Bretton Woods x Scandic x Papillon)
- Grand Charmeur (by Charmeur x Ferro x Joost)
- Gaucho Wildfire (by Charmeur x Ferro x Rubinstein)
- Generaal (by Charmeur x Special D x Lux)
- Grande E (by Charmeur x Jetset x G Ramiro Z)
- Golden Boy (by Charmeur x Polansky x Montecristo)
- Guess (by Chippendale x Flemmingh x Ferro)
- Garava (by Chippendale x Scandic x Negro)
- Gigolo K (by Chippendale x Rousseau x Farrington)
- Genius (by Negro x Lord Leatherdale x Clavecimbel)
- Giraldo (by Rousseau x Flemmingh x Cocktail)
The 2014 KWPN Stallion Licensing takes place on 5 - 8 February 2014 in 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. The second and third phase of the Licensing take place on those four days of licensing. A colt that gets licensed for the KWPN society at this event will only be allowed to start breeding after he successfully completes the Stallion Performance Testing.
Photo © Dirk Caremans
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