The FEI Dressage Committee had an in person meetin at the FEI head quarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 13 - 14 May 2014. Chaired by Frank Kemperman, the attending members were Thomas Baur, Maribel Alonso, David Hunt, Hans Christian Matthiesen and FEI Dressage Director Trond Asmyr.
Committee member Kyra Kyrklund could not be present, but had sent in her feedback by email and was reachable by phone when needed.
A summary of the most important decisions taken at this meeting can be found here:
No bids have been received for hosting the 2016 European Pony Championships nor for the 2016 European Junior Young Riders Championships
Qualification Criteria for EU-CH Seniors and Y/J/P for 2015 Seniors
The qualification period for Seniors was to start the 1st January 2014. The qualification limit was discussed and decided to be kept at 64%.
Young Riders/Juniors/Pony Riders
Regarding the qualification limit, it was decided to keep it at 60% for all categories for development reasons.
Decision: The Qualification score limits were to remain at 64% for Seniors and 60% for Y/J/P.
World Ranking List 2015
Decision: The DC made someu pdates to the 2015 WRL rules, adding 5 bonus points for CDI4*s, and adding CDIO4*s to the category giving 10 points. The Horse/Athlete combination system was to remain for the WRL. Ranking lists for other categories were to be considered.
World Cup Rules 2014/2015
Decision: Overall rules/WEL – some different formulations. Revision of the extra starting place system. Revision of the draw for the GP of the Final (change to group system). PAL – small changes in formulations NAL – change of percentage system to point system on a trial basis for 2014/15 (decided after meeting - postponed for 2015/16 after feedback from CAN/USA)
Olympic Games 2016 Programme / time schedule
The time schedule for Rio was discussed. The DD expressed that he would have preferred one rest day only as in the rules; however there were issues with limited daylight in Rio (am often fog, pm dark early and no floodlights). The current two rest days was seen as acceptable.
Time wise, 10 minutes per combination had been calculated with (against 9 minutes in London) for GP and GPS.
Decision: The DC thought it preferable to have one rest day only, but could accept two rest days as now proposed (one after Grand Prix and one after Grand Prix Special)
Draw for GPS
The previously prepared proposals A and B for the starting order of the GPS were discussed. Proposal A had a team member of each team starting first, each round of 6 team members being interspersed with 2-3 individual riders.
In proposal B, the four lowest ranked individuals started first, then the teams ranked 6, 5 and 4, then the four best placed individuals and then the teams ranked 3, 2 and 1. Overall, it was agreed that the best combinations needed to start towards the end in order to keep the tension. This was also a requirement from the media.
Decision: The DC vote decided that the starting order for the GPS would be drawn according to proposal B.
Date Clash Rules
The DD explained that the Date clash document consisted of two parts, what was actually stated in the Rules, and additional guidelines. Generally the rules worked well and took care of avoiding general clash issues. The DC agreed that higher level events (CDI5*, CDIO5*, World Cup Final and EU-CH) should be entered into the Calendar 2 years before the event (i.e. one year earlier than currently).
Decision: The current Guidelines were to be modified and added to the Rules. High level events (CDI5* and above) should be added to the Calendar two years in advance.
GP FS / Degree of Difficulty
The DD updated the DC on the current situation. Discussion in the DC was to be continued once more information was at hand.
Event Classification System
The general idea would be to make a ranking of the shows on the same star level, e.g. among CDI3* to give the shows an incentive to improve.
Decision: Some work had been done already to begin this process. The DC decided to wait to see how Jumping would proceed with this system and information before taking it further.
Intermediate A and B
Statistics had been prepared of the use of the Inter A and B during 1.1.2014-15.6.2014, showing the Inter A used/scheduled 15 times and the Inter B 28 times, showing the tests had been well received.
It was proposed that each time new tests were produced, the first year of use would be considered a test year, and the programmes fine-tuned after this first season, as the wording or floor plan might need slight adjustment.
Decision: David Hunt and the test group were to revise the Inter A and B for the updated versions to come into force from 1.1.2015, aiming to publish them in October 2014.
JSP Role
Decision: The JSP was to be able to correct a score that was 6% or more off the average of the other scores, to be the same as the next closest score. This rule change was to come into force from 1.1.2015. The SG/Bureau was to be consulted to see if it was possible to introduce it already for WEG 2014
Judges Education System Review
The DD reported that the current Education System for Judges had been introduced in 2010, with a first screening at the beginning of 2013 to evaluate the list. Small adjustments had been made but now a full review was ongoing. A survey had been sent out to all Judges and NFs and much feedback received. The goal of the TF report, quality more important than anything else, was kept. The review was subject to a GA decision and the process would follow the same schedule as the rule change process.
The DD informed of the main points of modifications. The overall 70 year age limit remained, but the IDOC proposal was to change the extensions to 2X 2 years rather than 2X 1 year, keeping the current policy on granting them. 70 would still be the guideline for judging CHs.
The ages for promotion to the various levels was proposed to be raised by two years each. The DC supported this. If judges did not fulfill the maintenance criteria for their current level, but did so for the level below, they would be demoted to this level rather than taken off the list (not possible retroactively for judges already off the list). Judging Int A/B had been included to count. Lower level CH were not included as no GP movements. National competitions were not included.
The DD gave an update on behalf of Harald Müller.
Procedure for new Equipment Approval
Based on the wish of the DC for a clear procedure for equipment approval, a draft was presented to the DC, with one deadline per year to submit new equipment for testing. Both NFs and manufacturers can propose new equipment, in the end it is a GA decision as new equipment is included in the rules. HQ makes a first screening and if testing is recommended, passes the equipment for testing.
Decision: The DC agreed to the proposed procedure. Already received applications may be processed through the present procedure.
Promotion of Dressage
Promotion of Dressage was an important subject, seen to be composed of two main areas, top sport and inside the lower levels of the Dressage world.
Some key factors were discussed: INTERACTION with the spectators/audience, MUSIC, LENGTH OF TESTS, EXPLAIN THE
SURVEY – A professional survey should be conducted to find out about the market and what different groups of people want, and come with suggestions for change. The main target group would be people related to the horse in some way, but non-horsey people should also be involved:
- a) People already visiting shows
- b) People interested in horses in general but not visiting shows
- c) People with no current interest
Other levels than Senior/Big Tour/championships
Ranking lists were proposed also for Pony Riders, Juniors, Young Riders, U25, to motivate and involve them more, and keep them in the sport. Pony sport should be promoted outside Europe. Combined team competitions (e.g. senior + junior), to start with as a show class, could bring interest and involvement or a broader group.
Conclusion: The DC had a good discussion on the future of the Dressage sport.
CDI Amateur
Decision: The DC was in principle positive to such CDI Amateur classes. A proposal for discussion at a future meeting was to be prepared.
Wording of Collective Marks in Dressage Tests
Decision: The DC decided to include “straightness” in the collective mark for Submission in all dressage tests from 1.1.2015.
New Children’s’ Test
Decision: The DC granted permission to the Test Group to write (a) new Children’s’ test(s) for 2015.
Complete minutes here.
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