The 28-year old Swedish Grand Prix rider Sofie Lexner has competed her number one GP horse Charming Box for the last time at the national show in Everslov, Sweden, on Sunday 22 June 2014. Charming Boy is 18 years old and will be retired from competition.
"I got what every young rider dreamsof, a ready Grand Prix horse," Lexner told "With Charming Boy I was able to make my name and build my entire business."
The 1996 born Westfalian branded Charming Boy (by Casaretto x Ehrentusch) is bred by Bernhard Grosse Brinkhaus and was owned by Frank Henning in Germany, before the horse shipped to Dr. Cesar Parra's stables in the U.S.A. for training. The dark bay gelding returned to Europe to be sold there and at Patrik Kittel's yard Swedish GP rider Ulla Hakanson discovered him. The bay quickly turned out to be too temperamental for Hakanson and she gave him to Mads Hendeliowitz for one year before the match with Lexner was made three years ago.
Lexner had been a groom at Kittel's stable and knew the horse. She took on the challenge of training and competing him. "Charming Boy has a big temperament and a strong will," she explained. "I realized I had to adapt myself to him and not the other way round. I did everything to undetstand him."
Lexner and Charming Boy started in the Under 25 tour in 2011 and competed at Aachen and Rotterdam. After that they moved to the senior tour and competed at major events such as Aachen, Hickstead and the World Cup qualifiers in Gothenburg and Neumunster.
At the height of their career as a combination, Lexner and Charming Boy were ranked 58th on the FEI Riders Ranking. Their career highlight was winning the CDI *3 Grand Prix in Falsterbo in 2013. One month ago at the 2014 CDI Hagen, the duo had to retire in the Grand Prix because Charming Boy was not on the same wavelength with his rider.
"He's 18 years old and his body is getting old. He got four months rest last autumn when I injured myself and he was great after that, but now it's enough," Lexner explained. "I wanted to retire him right after Hagen when he threw in the towel there, but the midsummer competition in Everslov is right hear at home."
With 70.292% Lexner and Charming Boy placed third in their last competition class, the Grand Prix Kur, at Everslov.
Photos © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Charming Boy
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