Riders have been selected for the second USEF Dressage Pipeline Clinic. This clinic, which is made possible through a gift from USET Foundation Trustee, Betsy Juliano and Havensafe Farm, will be held October 11-12, hosted by Michael Fowler's Epona Farm in Thousand Oaks, Calif.
The purpose of the U.S. Dressage Pipeline Clinic is to showcase the U.S. dressage pipeline of athletes and horses in one clinic with the USEF Dressage Coaches including; Robert Dover, USEF Chef d'Equipe/Technical Advisor, Debbie McDonald, USEF Developing Coach, and Scott Hassler, USEF Young Horse Coach. With all of the coaches working together, the clinics will demonstrate the harmonization of the various coaching programs.
The following 17 athlete/horse combinations will participate in the two-day training session:
Elizabeth Ball and Cadence, LLC's Liaison
Lindsey Brewin and her and Heather Brewin's Vaillant
Kelly Casey and her own Emilion SA
Catherine Chamberlain and her own Verdicci
Ashlyn DeGroot and DG Bar Ranch's Dalina DG
Eva Larsen and Carolyn Adams' Laffran Sponti
Ari Lopez and her own Corlander II
Kim McGrath and Arianthi Ferronato's Winslow
Amy Miller and her own Encore
Kasey Perry and Diane Perry's Trostruplund's Scarlet
Jamie Pestana and her own Winzalot
Sabine Schut-Kery and Alice Womble's Sanceo
Carly Taylor-Smith and Nikki Taylor-Smith's Rosalut NHF
Ariel Thomas and her own Heraldik Star
Genay Vaughn and Starr Vaughn Equestrian, Inc.'s Donarweiss GGF
Nick Wagman and Beverly Gepfer's Zenith
Dawn White-O'Connor and Carla Hayes' Aristo
The clinic will demonstrate the synchronization of the various coaching programs as the coaches work in pairs with riders from their respective programs. The clinic will begin each day with rider fitness sessions, followed by individual mounted training sessions, and finishing with afternoon Sports Psychology sessions. Additionally, riders, as well as the horse owners and trainers of the invited riders, will participate in an evening discussion on media, owner, and sponsor relations, led by a panel of experts in those fields.
The training sessions of the USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinics will be open to auditors.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Riders Announced for 2014 USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinics
USEF Dressage Coaches Come Together for 2014 USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinics