Edward Gal and Undercover were in fantastic shape at the first World Cup qualifier of the 2014-2015 winter show season held in Odense, Denmark. After winning the Grand Prix, Gal also claimed the Kur to Music with 88.625%. Adelinde Cornelissen and Parzival were second with 84.30%, followed by Isabell Werth on Don Johnson with 80.275%.
At the press conference Edward Gal said that he very much appreciated the enthusiastic audience in Denmark – but also that it was one of the reasons why he hasn't ridden Undercover in Odense before. The gelding used to get quite nervous and tense about the clapping and the happy atmosphere from a crowd. This weekend Undercover was completely relaxed and comfortable.
On his ride in the Freestyle, Gal said that he had hoped to do as well as in yesterday's Grand Prix and that he succeeded in this although Undercover briefly was a litte more tense today.
Placed second was yet another crowd favourite and another Dutch, Adelinde Cornelissen and Parzival. As always Cornelissen and Parzival delivered a super ride, and the judges rewarded her with a score of 84,3%.
”He fully met my expectations today and I am super satisfied with him,” Cornelissen said about Parzival and added that even though he is 17 years of age he stille feels like he is 7 sometimes!
Number three with a score of 80,3% was Isabell Werth and Don Johnson. In yesterday's Grand Prix the pair finished out of the top three and today she had decided to change that - which she did.
“I'm very with our performance today. Don Johnson was a little tense in the beginning today, but I managed to calm him down and he did really well. It was a really good start of the World Cup season,” she told on the following press conference.
Best Danish rider today was Agnete Kirk Thinggaard on JoJo AZ. The par had their World Cup debut in the Western European league this weekend on home ground. With a score of almost 75% and a placing as number six she an JoJo Az fully met with expectations - and the home crowd was thrilled to see a Danish rider do so well!
"It was abslolutely amazing riding in there. The crowd cheered and Jo Jo and I just had a a lot of fun! I'm so happy to be able to do so well amongst such a strong group of riders like this one,” Agnete said. She and Jo Jo Az will aim the World Cup in Lyon next.
-- Press released provided by Odense World Cup - Photo © Jenny Abrahamsson
Related Links
Scores 2014 CDI-W Odense
Gal and Undercover Get Personal Best Score in 2014 CDI-W Odense Grand Prix
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2014-2015 World Cup show circuit