Norwegian Grand Prix team rider Cathrine Rasmussen has lost her rising Grand Prix horse Belandra on Monday 10 November 2014 following a severe colic attack. The mare was 9 years old.
While on a hack through the woods, Rasmussen felt her mare getting unwell with colic signs. The bay mare was transported to the equine clinic straight away, but her condition worsened during transport.
After initial testing, the vet team decided to operate on her. A large part of the small intestine had slipped through a hole inside the abdomen and the effect was so damaging that the horse could not be saved.
"It was a terribly sad end for this talented horse," a saddened Rasmussen stated. "She did not have the strongest legs, so we did most of the training on walks in the wood. She did learn all the movements up to Grand Prix and she didn't just know them, she was brilliant at them. I had always thought that despite all adversity with this horse, I should never give up because I would never find again that kind of talent."
The Denmark based Rasmussen acquired Belandra (by Belissimo M x Sandro Hit) at the 2010 PSI auction for a knock down price of 572,000 euro.
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