Louise Nathhorst's last international Grand Prix horse Isidor has passed away at age 18 at his owner Carla Espinosa's yard where he only recently moved into full retirement.
The very elegant bay Swedish warmblood was born in 1996 and bred by Barbara Nathanson. He was sired by Guinness out of Ida (by Urbino x Iran x Immer).
Owned by Louise Nathhorst, the bay gelding was highly successful from the start. As a youngster he won the Swedish warmblood young horse championships as a 5 and 6-year old. Isidor advanced to S-level and and competed in the small tour at the 2005 CDIO Aachen and winning the Prix St Georges at the 2005 CDI Falsterbo.
They made the transition to international Grand Prix level in 2006, finishing third in the Grand Prix and second in the Kur at the CDI Flyinge. The same year they competed at the 2006 Nordic Baltic Championships. A year later they qualified for the Swedish team to compete at the 2007 European Championships in Turin, Italy, where they produced their career highlight with a team bronze medal. They were 26th in the Grand Prix Special. At the 2008 World Cup Finals in 's Hertogenbosch they were 14th in the Kur to Music finals.
Isidor was a highly sensitive horse and by the end of his international show career he showed refusal in the ring a few time. One test he performed to standard and scored in the upper sixites, the next there would be issues. This happened for instance in 's Hertogenbosch, Aachen and Marianske Lazne. At their last show together at the CDI Lingen in June 2009, they ranked 11th with 57.830%.
"At a young age he was a real rascal, but he charmed everyone with the little heart on his forehead and his cheerful disposition. One could not help but laugh at his antics," his owner Carla Espinosa reminisced. "There were many times that we said, "it's lucky for him that he is so cute'." Addressing the horse's sensitive nature, Carla explained that "he could be the world's biggest coward. For instance it took 20 minutes to unload him in s'Hertogenbosch because there were scary stripes on the street and then it took 20 minutes to get him into the stable, but in the show ring he went so well."
Isidor served as a schoolmaster his last few years, teaching Espinosa the feeling of piaffe and passage. Recently he went into full retirement, spending time in the field with pony Sally.
"He gave me so many unforgettable memories, amongst them the journey to Turin where he took bronze," Esponisa added. "I have seen so many shows thanks to him."
Photos © Astrid Appels
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