DressageTrainingOnline.com, which has been called “the Netflix of the Dressage world”, is excited to announce its newly-improved website. For eight years, DressageTrainingOnline.com has proudly featured numerous dressage training videos that share some of the world’s most respected trainers’ and judges’ secrets to success.
The site boasts over 28,000 unique members from thirty-two different countries, who enjoy well over 1,500 engaging and valuable dressage videos. Recently, the popular website has implemented major changes and upgrades to bring the best of modern dressage media to the world.
“We are proud to feature training from approximately sixty of the world’s masters, the superstars of today, and top judges from across the globe,” says Reisa Bonetti-Sullivan, the Founder and CEO of DressageTrainingOnline.com and a dressage rider herself. “We give riders a place to get that additional assistance they need, learn new ideas that they can apply themselves, and get that extra edge that will help them achieve their goals; knowing that our content is credentialed, vetted, proven. Yes, we show different paths to get to Rome, because every horse and rider have their anomalies— our site offers choices, but they are all good choices.”
The improvements to the DressageTrainingOnline.com include a cleaner, more streamlined homepage; additional playlists of New Release videos and videos that include a Pro/Am Review; the ability to create a Cue of videos to watch later; diagrammed schooling exercises with a description of how to ride the exercise and a link to view it being performed; a free Evaluate Your Ride session for members to upload their own schooling or test videos to be reviewed by their chosen judges or trainers; horse sales listings; and a Dressage Directory.
Some of the website’s featured trainers and judges include the following professionals:
Of the United States— Willy Arts, Charlotte Bredahl Baker, Lilo Fore, Hilda Gurney, Catherine Haddad-Staller, Janet Foy, Scott Hassler, Chrissa Hoffmann, Colleen Kelly, Courtney King-Dye, Natalie Lamping, Nancy Later Lavoie, Debbie McDonald, Arlene Tuny Page, Shannon Peters, Steffan Peters, Jennifer Roth, Gary Rockwell, Axel Steiner, and Marlene Schneider.
Of Germany— Jan Bemelmans, Katrin Bettenworth, Christoff Hess, Helen Langehanenberg, Dr. Ulf Moller, Uwe Mechlem, Oliver Oelrich, Ingo Pape, Dr. Deiter Schule, Uwe Spenlen, Martin Schaudt, and Susanne von Dietze.
Of Spain— Daniel Martin Dockx, Alfredo Hernandez, Juan Manuel Munoz, and Rafael Soto.
Of the Netherlands— Edward Gal, Lammert Haanstra, Lotje Schoots, and Henk Van Bergen.
Of Australia— Nicholas Fyffe, Jose Mendez, and Heath Ryan.
Of Austria— Peter Gmoser, Arthur Kottas-Heldenberg, and Gunter Zach.
Of Great Britain— Richard Davison, Sasha Hamilton, Judy Harvey, Carl Hester, Gareth Hughes, and Mary Wanless.
Of France— Col. Christian Carde and Alizee Froment.
Additional successful trainers and judges include Jan Brink of Sweden, Andreas Helgstrand of Denmark, Jody Hartstone of New Zealand, Cesar Torrente of Columbia, and Walter Zettl of Canada.
DressageTrainingOnline.com is eager to introduce the dressage community to an even better way of accessing interesting videos, insights, and information about their sport. To learn more, visit DressageTrainingOnline.com’s exciting new website www.dressagetrainingonline.com.