National Federation delegates attending the FEI General Assembly in Baku (AZE) had the opportunity to debate proposed revisions to the FEI Rules in an afternoon session on Friday 12 December 2014.
Discussions focused on proposed changes to the FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes, the FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations, FEI General Regulations, FEI Veterinary Regulations, the FEI Jumping Rules, the FEI Dressage Rules, and the FEI Rio 2016 Olympic Games Regulations.
There was healthy debate on a proposed modification to the FEI Dressage Rules requiring children, pony riders, juniors and young riders to wear protective headgear at the horse inspection. Following feedback from the German and Dutch Federations, the Chair of the Dressage Committee Frank Kemperman withdrew the proposal.
The National Federations have been actively involved in the rules revision process which began earlier this year. The first draft of the modified rules was sent to the National Federations for their feedback in early August. During the session, FEI member federations had the opportunity to make their final comments before they vote on the rule changes at the FEI General Assembly.
At this point the exact rule changes effective 2015 have not yet been announced.
Photo © Richard Julliart
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