Nine more dressage bred colts have been added to the collection for the second phase of the 2015 KWPN Stallion Licensing in February 2015. The KWPN society held a "late" or "post" pre-selection for stallions who couldn't appear at the normal pre-selection a few weeks ago.
Following this late pre-selection a collection of 95 dressage bred stallions has been accepted to appear at the main Licensing in 's Hertogenbosch in two months time.
The KWPN Stallion committee was quite pleased with the final group of stallions presented in Ermelo, The Netherlands, on 20 December 2014.
"It was a good day quality and quantity wise," said committee chair Wim Ernes. "We're happy with this crop of nine stallions, with which we brought the total to 95. We were able to select almost half the group that was presented. We have a big group at the top without real favourites, so it will be exciting in Den Bosch."
The colts selected at the late pre-selection are:
- Hando (by Diego x Krack C)
- Heat FH (by Florencio x De Niro)
- n.n. (by Furst Wilhelm x Lord Sinclair)
- Handsome O (by Johnson x Rousseau)
- Homerus P (by Negro x Jazzà
- Highlander (by Zhivago x Gribaldi)
- Hangoer (by Bretton Woods x Negro)
- Henke (by Apache x Tolando)
- Hendriksen (by Johnson x Houston)
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