With the debate going on about cancelling the rein back from the Grand Prix test, the controversy has now also spread to Germany where 5* judge Dietrich Plewa has publicly questioned the value of the reinback on the centerline in the Prix St Georges Special.
The Prix St Georges Special is a special class for developing Prix St Georges horses creatred 23 years ago by the legendary trainer and rider Dr. Reiner Klimke. The reinback is inserted all the way at the end of the test on the centerline at D, followed by a trot extension before the end halt at G.
At the press conference following the 2014 Nurnberger Burgpokal Finals in Frankfurt (Developing PSG Horse Championships), German O-judge Dietrich Plewa addressed the problematics of that reinback. Plewa stated that it's the "worst assessed movement of the test", especially because it is has to be executed on the centerline. Plewa considers it too late in the program at the end of test.
Plewa clarified that this late timing is not to the advantage of the horses. He believes that horses often know that the extended trot follows and it reduces their concentration because of it. Plewa openly said that he prefers to have the reinback earlier in the test on the track, so it can give more support to the young horses.
Hans-Peter Schmidt, chair of the Nurnberger Insurance company board, is the initiator of the Developing PSG series in Germany together with Reiner Klimke. He stated that there is little hope for Klimke's Prix St Georges Special to be changed. This test has been ridden for 23 years in an unchanged form, which is a rarity on the dressage scene as tests are changed every so many years.
Source: Dressur Aktuell - Photo © Astrid Appels
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